Umkhiqizi we I-Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor, I-Temperature Monitoring System, Uchwepheshe OEM/ODM Ifekthri, Umthengisi, Umhlinzeki.okwenziwe ngokwezifiso.

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How to Monitor Transformer Winding Temperature with Fluorescent Fiber Optics?

Inzwa ye-fiber optic lokushisa, Uhlelo lokuqapha oluhlakaniphile, Umkhiqizi we-fiber optic osabalalisiwe e-China

Isilinganiso sezinga lokushisa le-Fluorescent fibre optic Idivayisi yokulinganisa izinga lokushisa kwe-Fluorescent fibre optic Isistimu yokulinganisa izinga lokushisa kwe-fluorescence fibre optic

Fluorescent Decay Lifetime Principle for Accurate Sensing

Fluorescent fiber optic sensors measure winding temperature by analyzing the temperature-dependent decay lifetime of fluorescent materials embedded in the fiber. When exposed to excitation light, the fluorescent coating emits light with a time delay inversely proportional to temperature. This method ensures: – Immunity to electromagnetic interference, ideal for high-voltage transformers. – – No electrical components, eliminating explosion risks in oil-filled transformers. – Long-term stability (over 20 iminyaka) without signal drift.
Fluorescent decay technology achieves ±0.3°C precision, detects micro-hotspots in real time, and extends transformer lifespan by preventing thermal aging of insulation materials.

Isilinganiso sokushisa kwe-Transformer

1. Fluorescent Decay Lifetime Principle

Fluorescent fiber sensors measure temperature by detecting the temperature-dependent decay time of phosphor materials (200-300 μs range). This optical method eliminates electromagnetic interference common in high-voltage environments.

Parameter Fluorescent Fiber Infrared Camera
Measurement Depth Embedded in winding Surface only
Accuracy (0-200°C) ±0.3°C ±5°C

Technical Validation

2. Intrinsically Safe Non-Metallic Design

All-glass construction enables operation in explosive atmospheres (Zone 0), with 100kV/cm dielectric strength surpassing traditional sensors.

Feature Fluorescent Fiber RTD
Metal Content 0% 100%
Explosion-proof Certification ATEX/IECEx Requires housing

Technical Validation

  • Certified intrinsically safe per IEC 60079-28:2015
  • Deployed in State Grid’s ±800kV Qingyu DC transmission project

3. Multi-Industry Adaptability

Single fiber solution works across power transformers, reactors, and GIS systems with customized probe designs (needle/coil/disk types).

Application Probe Type Temp Range
Oil-immersed Transformer 3mm needle -40~180°C
Dry-type Reactor Flexible coil 0~200°C

Technical Validation

4. Long-term Stability Performance

Maintains ±0.5°C accuracy for 20+ years without recalibration, outperforming wireless sensors requiring annual maintenance.

Metric Fluorescent Fiber Wireless Sensor
Battery Life N/A (passive) 3-5 iminyaka
Data Loss Rate 0% 15%

Technical Validation

  • 0.2°C error after 3000 thermal cycles (SGCC lab tests)
  • Complies with GB/T 1094.7-2021 temperature rise requirements

5. Cost-Effective Lifecycle Management

Reduces total ownership cost by 40% through predictive maintenance and extended equipment lifespan.

Cost Factor Fluorescent System Traditional Methods
Installation Cost $12k $8k
10-Year Maintenance $2k $18k

Technical Validation





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