制造商 光纤温度传感器, 温度监测系统, 专业的 OEM/ODM 厂, 批发商, 供应商定制.

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光纤温度传感器, 智能监控系统, 中国分布式光纤制造商

荧光光纤测温 荧光光纤测温装置 分布式荧光光纤测温系统

Why do switch cabinets need fiber optic grating temperature sensing fire detection systems

The switchgear is a key equipment in the substation, and its internal switch contacts complete the execution of power dispatching. Due to excessive load, aging of contacts, and improper contact, the temperature of the contacts in switchgear can rise. 温度过高容易引起火灾, power supply failures, power outages, and personal and property losses. The current temperature measurement method in substations mainly uses handheld infrared thermometers to measure temperature, and conducts daily inspections of each switchgear to obtain temperature status information. Each substation urgently needs an online temperature measurement technology that can automatically collect the temperature of each contact in real time, 及时准确地监测温度变化, 并在温度过高之前发出警告, so that managers have sufficient time to take corresponding measures to avoid power outages and fires.

Fiber optic temperature sensing technology can develop a fiber optic grating temperature sensing fire detection system, which can monitor the temperature of switchgear in real time and provide early warning and alarm. 系统采用全光纤传感被动温度测量方法, 消除了监控系统本身的安全隐患,大大提高了监控系统对电力温度监测的可用性. 该光纤温度测量系统被许多发电厂和供电公司使用, 大大减少火灾事故的发生,真正做到防患于未然, 符合安全理念 “安全第一, 预防为主” 在电力行业.

What are the main functions of the fiber Bragg grating temperature measurement system host

1. 温度传感设备具有阻燃和防爆功能.

测温部分采用全纤维结构, 真正实现被动温度监测. 它不收费, 不发热, 并且不会因传感系统的部署而造成任何安全隐患.

2. 温度测量精度高,响应速度快.

The temperature measurement host has high temperature resolution and high temperature measurement accuracy. The full channel scanning time is short, with a temperature detection time of about 2 seconds for 16 渠道.

3. 实时在线监测.

Monitor the temperature of all measuring points in the substation switchgear continuously for 7×24 小时, and regularly save the temperature measurement data to provide auxiliary data for the health monitoring of each switchgear.

4. Accurate spatial positioning.

Fiber Bragg grating temperature sensing corresponds to each measurement point position, and each sensor has global uniqueness. The upper computer monitoring software can accurately locate the location of the sensor that triggered the alarm.

5. 灵活的分区报警控制.

通过上位机上的监控软件, different temperature measurement points can be managed in different zones according to customer needs. 一般, the contacts inside the same switchgear are set as one zone. Set different alarm parameters for each temperature measurement point, 如温度警告, 温度上升警告, 温度报警, 和温升警报, 准确区分真假火灾, 消除误报和遗漏.

6. 全面的自我诊断功能.

Each temperature sensor in this system has wavelength uniqueness, and the system database can remember its precise location. At the same time as each temperature measurement, the system performs self testing and diagnosis to detect sensor faults in real time for timely repair and maintenance.

7. 强大的软件功能.

实时显示位置, 温度值, 以及人机界面上每个监控区域的温度变化. 如果上位机配有短信报警模块, 报警信息可发送到指定人员的手机,确保及时处理火灾隐患. 在上位计算机上, 还可以查询历史温度数据和报警记录,生成安全运行报告.



