制造商 光纤温度传感器, 温度监测系统, 专业的 OEM/ODM 厂, 批发商, 供应商定制.

电子邮件: fjinnonet@gmail.com |



Host model:DTS-MUXIAN
温度测量通道数:1-16 通道可定制
空间分辨率 :0.5 定制
测量时间 :1-5S 可定制
测量范围 :-100°C-550°C可定制
温度测量精度 :0.5°C-1°C 可定制
分辨力 :0.1°C
通讯接口 :RS485/232接口、以太网、
Storage space :160GB

  • 产品详情

Why does the bus duct need temperature measurement
Closed busbar trunking (abbreviated as busbar trunking) is widely used in power supply systems of high-rise buildings and buildings. But with the rapid increase in electricity consumption, the heating of the bus duct is particularly severe, especially at the connection head, which seriously affects the normal operation of the bus duct and requires real-time monitoring of electricity safety. Traditional temperature sensing cables have serious defects in the setting, quantification, 定位, and reusability of temperature alarm points, which cannot meet the needs of production process management. 然而, high-precision point type thermometers or thermocouples cannot solve the needs of linear and continuous monitoring.

What are the advantages of distributed fiber optic temperature measurement systems
The distributed fiber optic temperature monitoring system adopts a brand new design, with good performance indicators and system stability. This system is developed based on the principles of backward Raman scattering and optical time-domain reflection (OTDR的) 定位, and has functions such as optical signal generation, spectral analysis, 光电转换, signal amplification, and processing. The system uses dedicated temperature sensing optical cables as temperature sensors, integrating computer, 光纤通信, 光纤传感, optoelectronic control and other technologies. It has inherent safety, 耐腐蚀性, and is not affected by electromagnetic interference. It continuously monitors long-distance and large-scale environmental temperature information.


Characteristics of Distributed Fiber Optic Bus Channel Temperature Monitoring System
Using distributed fiber optic temperature sensing equipment to sense cable temperature and position information for signal detection and transmission, 实现无电检测和本质安全防爆;
采用先进的分布式光纤温度传感作为测量单元, 技术先进,测量精度高:
分布式温度传感光缆的长期工作温度范围为 -40 °C 至 150 °C, 最大 200 °C, 和广泛的应用;
Adopting a detector single loop measurement method, simple installation and low cost; Can reserve spare cores;
实时显示各个区域的温度, 以及显示历史数据和变化曲线的能力, 以及平均温度变化:
该系统结构紧凑, 安装简单, 维护方便;
通过软件, 可根据实际情况设置不同的报警和报警值; 报警方式多种多样, 包括恒温报警, 温升率报警, 和温差报警.
通过软件, 可以查询数据: 逐点查询, 告警记录查询, 间隔查询, 历史数据查询, 和报告打印.

On site installation diagram of distributed fiber optic bus duct

Application of Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement in Bus Monitoring4 Application of Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement in Bus Monitoring2 Application of Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement in Bus Monitoring3

Distributed fiber optic temperature measurement software interface

Provide a user-friendly and easy-to-use fiber optic temperature monitoring application software. 软件主要包括温度监控等功能模块, 火警, 和视觉显示.


系统可实时显示整条光缆的温度分布曲线, 以及某个位置温度异常时, 该曲线可以显示该位置的温度是升高还是降低.

Historical temperature statistics

Provide historical temperature data statistical analysis function, provide temperature change trends, 包括:
(1) The temperature distribution curve at different positions of the cable at a certain moment;
(2) The temperature change curve of a cable at a certain point on a certain day;
(3) The temperature change curve at a certain point of the cable during a certain period of time;
(4) The curve of the highest temperature change on a certain day.

Over temperature alarm

Provide various flexible fire alarm methods such as fixed temperature, temperature rise, and regional temperature difference, and the alarm parameters can be graded and set by region. When the measured temperature exceeds the threshold temperature, the system will automatically emit alarm signals such as sound, LED indicator lights, text, and images. If multi-level temperature alarm (例如初始警报 30 °C, pre alarm at 40 °C, 以及采取的措施 50 °C) and temperature rise rate can be set, temperature correction can be made according to different environments. The set value of temperature rise rate can be determined by on-site monitoring.

Visual interface

Provide a visual display interface that maps the fiber optic position to the image through a graphical configuration module. Once a temperature anomaly occurs at a certain point of the fiber optic, the alarm information is directly displayed on the image, making it visually appealing.

Distributed fiber optic temperature measurement system software Distributed fiber optic temperature measurement system software Distributed fiber optic temperature measurement system software



