דער פאַבריקאַנט פון פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור סענסאָר, טעמפּעראַטור מאָניטאָרינג סיסטעם, פאַכמאַן OEM / ODM פאַבריק, כאָולסיילער, סאַפּלייער.קאַסטאַמייזד.

E- פּאָסט: fjinnonet@gmail.com |

נייַעספירמע נייַעס

Warm congratulations to Inno Technology on being awarded the title oftechnology-based small and medium-sized enterprisein 2023

פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור סענסער, ינטעליגענט מאָניטאָרינג סיסטעם, פונאנדערגעטיילט פיברע אַפּטיק פאַבריקאַנט אין טשיינאַ

פלורעסאַנט פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט פלורעסאַנט פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט מיטל פונאנדערגעטיילט פלואָרעססענסע פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט סיסטעם

Fuzhou Innovation Electronic Scie&Tech Co Ltd

Fuzhou Innovation Electronic Scie&Tech Co Ltd

List of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises in 2023

It is understood that technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises are small and medium-sized enterprises that rely on a certain number of scientific and technological personnel to engage in scientific and technological research and development activities, obtain independent intellectual property rights, and convert them into high-tech products or services, in accordance with relevant regulations such as theEvaluation Measures for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises” (Guoke Fazheng [2017] ניין. 115) and theGuidelines for Evaluation Services for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises” (Guoke Huozi [2022] ניין. 67), in order to achieve sustainable development.

Fuzhou Innovation Electronic Scie&Tech Co Ltd

INNO Technology Product Exhibition Hall

פוזשאָו יננאָוואַטיאָן עלעקטראָניק ססי&Tech Co Ltd (hereinafter referred to asINNO Technology”) has always been committed to driving industrial development through technological innovation. It is a national high-tech enterprise with strong scientific research capabilities. The enterprise has gathered numerous high-quality technical talents and management elites. The company’s main products include fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement systems, oil immersed transformer fiber optic temperature online monitoring systems, environmental management systems, rail transit fiber optic temperature controllers, PHM online monitoring systems, dry type transformer temperature controllers, אאז"ו ו.

Fuzhou Innovation Electronic Scie&Tech Co Ltd

Honor Wall of Inno Technology

Inno Technology, in collaboration with universities such as Fuzhou University, has successfully developed a פלורעסאַנט פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור סענסער with independent intellectual property rights. It provides overall solutions and application services for temperature, ווייבריישאַן, pressure monitoring in various fields such as comprehensive pipe galleries, oil and gas pipelines, rail transit, מאַכט, municipal engineering, nuclear power, new energy, and chemical engineering, with technical performance reaching the advanced level in China. אין דער צוקונפֿט, Inno Technology will continue to unleash its scientific and technological innovation vitality, fully utilize the advantages and foundation of technology-based enterprises, and strive to become a leader in the field of fiber optic sensing!




לאָזן אַ אָנזאָג