דער פאַבריקאַנט פון פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור סענסאָר, טעמפּעראַטור מאָניטאָרינג סיסטעם, פאַכמאַן OEM / ODM פאַבריק, כאָולסיילער, סאַפּלייער.קאַסטאַמייזד.

E- פּאָסט: fjinnonet@gmail.com |


פיברע אַפּטיק סענסער פֿאַר טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט פלורעסאַנט פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט אין מאַכט סיסטעמען

פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור סענסער, ינטעליגענט מאָניטאָרינג סיסטעם, פונאנדערגעטיילט פיברע אַפּטיק פאַבריקאַנט אין טשיינאַ

פלורעסאַנט פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט פלורעסאַנט פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט מיטל פונאנדערגעטיילט פלואָרעססענסע פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט סיסטעם

There are many methods for fiber optic temperature measurement, including fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement, gallium arsenide fiber optic temperature measurement, פונאנדערגעטיילט פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט, grating Bragg temperature sensors, אאז"ו ו. FJINNO provides fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement products, which are more affordable than other fiber optic temperature measurement products. ברוכים הבאים צו קאָנטאַקט אונדז

Temperature is a fundamental physical quantity in production and daily life. אָבער, some target environments are more complex, or the target environment is harmful, the target is not stationary, the target cannot be contacted or approached, אאז"ו ו, all of which make temperature measurement difficult. With the advancement of technology, industrial production and other fields have increasingly high requirements for temperature, which requires thermometers to have high accuracy, שנעל ענטפער, and strong anti-interference ability. נאָוואַדייַס, these high-end thermometers are very scarce and expensive. Traditional thermometers (such as thermocouples and thermistors) are based on the electromagnetic type of materials, and their measurement signals are modulated by electromagnetic signals, making them susceptible to electromagnetic interference and requiring high requirements for the measurement environment.

The fluorescence lifetime temperature measurement device is used for temperature measurement, which has high sensitivity, הויך אַקיעראַסי, נידעריק פּרייַז, אַנטי-ילעקטראָומאַגנעטיק ינטערפיראַנס, good repeatability, קעראָוזשאַן קעגנשטעל, good electrical insulation, פּשוט סטרוקטור, and good optical path disturbance. It can be connected to a computer to achieve remote telemetry.

Fiber optic temperature sensors use optical fibers to transmit temperature signals, which have good insulation performance and can block high voltage inside the switchgear. דעריבער, fiber optic temperature sensors can be directly installed on the high voltage contacts inside the switchgear, אַקיעראַטלי מעסטן די אַרבעט טעמפּעראַטור פון די הויך וואָולטידזש קאָנטאַקטן און קאַמפּליטינג אָנליין מאָניטאָרינג פון די אַרבעט טעמפּעראַטור פון די סוויטטשגעאַר קאָנטאַקטן. Fluorescent fiber optic sensors are directly installed on high-voltage equipment, with accurate temperature measurement and the ability to handle electrical insulation issues. The characteristics of fiber optic temperature measurement systems are not affected by climate and environment, and can measure the temperature of outdoor switches and bus joints.
Sensors are installed on high-voltage equipment and are electrically connected to the receiving device’s temperature gauge, which has high-voltage isolation performance and fundamentally solves the problem of difficult monitoring of operating temperature at high-voltage equipment contacts. They have extremely high reliability and safety, allowing fluorescent temperature sensors to be installed on each high-voltage switch and bus joint. The temperature sensor is installed on the surface of the high-voltage equipment, collects its temperature, and transmits the data to the fluorescent fiber optic thermometer. The fluorescent fiber optic thermometer displays the received data on the LCD screen and monitors whether the temperature exceeds the limit. When the temperature exceeds the limit, it outputs an alarm signal
Characteristics of fiber optic temperature measurement system: It is dedicated to real-time online temperature monitoring and overheating warning of high-voltage equipment. It uses fiber optic for high-voltage isolation and signal transmission, utilizing the inherent insulation and electromagnetic field interference resistance of fiber optic. Fiber optic temperature sensors are installed on the surface of the tested target, such as the contacts, bus contacts, and power cable joints in the high-voltage switchgear, and can accurately and quickly measure the surface temperature. The measured data is transmitted to the temperature measurement instrument host through fiber optic Fiber optic can be arranged reasonably according to the internal structure of high-voltage equipment, without affecting the operation of the original equipment. The fiber optic thermometer is installed on the cabinet panel or other suitable positions, and it will display the temperature values of each measured point on the LCD screen. אין דער זעלביקער צייַט, it will monitor whether the temperature exceeds the limit. When the temperature exceeds the limit, it will output an alarm signal.




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