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Why do substations use fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement systems

Optik tolali harorat sensori, Intellektual monitoring tizimi, Xitoyda tarqalgan optik tolali ishlab chiqaruvchi

Floresan tolali optik haroratni o'lchash Floresan tolali optik haroratni o'lchash moslamasi Tarqalgan floresan tolali optik haroratni o'lchash tizimi

A substation is a power facility in the power system that converts voltage, receives and distributes electrical energy, controls the flow of electricity, and adjusts voltage. As a very important energy conversion base, if a fire or other power accident occurs in a substation, it will inevitably lead to large-scale power outages, causing significant impact and losses to the production of enterprises and the lives of people. Shuning uchun, ensuring the safety and reliability of substations and avoiding fires are crucial. Ular orasida, equipment overheating is an important hidden danger that can lead to substation fires. Overheating at the dynamic and static contacts and other connections of high-voltage switchgear in substations, cable joints, cable connections, and partial discharge of high-voltage cables are the main hidden dangers of large-scale accidents. Bundan tashqari, these places often have voltages of several thousand or even tens of thousands of volts, posing great safety hazards for operators to enter and investigate.

Fluorescent fiber temperature measurement is based on the material properties of rare earth fluorescent substances to achieve temperature measurement. After being excited by light, a certain rare earth sensitive material emits fluorescence when the electron absorption photons in the sensitive material transition from low energy level to high energy level and return from high energy level to low energy level. The sustained fluorescence emission after the elimination of excitation light depends on the lifetime of the excited state, which usually decays exponentially. The decay time constant can be used to measure the lifetime of the excited state, which is called the fluorescence lifetime. The fluorescence lifetime depends on the temperature, and the biggest advantage of using this method for temperature measurement is good stability, no need for calibration, and long lifetime.

The fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement system is installed at the bottom outlet of the object being measured. The system can monitor the temperature at the bottom of the object in real time and achieve rapid and accurate temperature measurement of the liquid being measured. The temperature detection speed of this temperature measurement system is fast, and it can reach the mS level at the fastest. The accuracy of temperature measurement is high, and it can achieve within ± 1 ℃. It can effectively monitor the highest temperature of the chemical liquid of the measured object, making the reaction more accurate.

The fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement system uses optik tolali haroratni o'lchash, which is made of glass core and has good insulation properties. It can avoid interference from strong magnetic fields, high voltages, and large currents generated during transformer operation, enabling measurement esults are relatively accurate. The fluorescent fiber thermometer is installed in an explosion-proof box, which can prevent chemical explosions caused by instrument ignition and other factors. Shuning uchun, it can be used in chemical environments and has a wide range of applications.


