Optički senzor temperature, Inteligentni sistem praćenja, Distributed proizvođač optičkih vlakana u Kini
Zašto visokonaponski razvodni uređaji trebaju merenje temperature
Sa razvojem elektroenergetske tehnologije, Visokonaponske i ultranaponske distributivne mreže sve se više pojavljuju u glavnim elektroenergetskim mrežama. Kao važna električna oprema, Visokonaponski razvodni uređaji mogu izazvati pregrevanje i ozbiljne požarne nesreće zbog starenja kontakata i povećanog otpora kontakta tokom dugotrajnog rada. Poslednjih godina, Došlo je do višestrukih incidenata pregrevanja razvodnih uređaja u elektranama i trafostanicama, što je dovelo do požara i rasprostranjenog nestanka struje. Rešavanje problema pregrevanja razvodne opreme je ključ za sprečavanje takvih nesreća. Sa brzim napretkom energetske tehnologije, the transmission and distribution system is gradually developing towards technology, safety, and intelligence. In practical use, unpredictable accidents often occur due to factors such as the professional quality of installation personnel, uneven quality of cable accessories, and harsh environment.
Why does the high-voltage switchgear busbar measure temperature
In power switchgear, the busbar is an important component for transmitting current. Due to its resistance, it will generate heat when transmitting current, especially when transmitting large currents, it will generate a significant temperature rise. When the temperature rise of the busbar exceeds a certain value, it may cause switchgear faults, i u težim slučajevima, it may also cause fires, causing significant losses to the distribution system. It is necessary to monitor the working temperature of the switchgear busbar in response to the above issues.
The contact parts of the busbar in high and low voltage switchgear often generate heat due to aging, loose bolts, or poor contact, resulting in excessive contact resistance. If the temperature of these heating parts cannot be monitored in real time, it is easy to cause equipment burning or sudden power outages and other accidents. The busbar is an important component of circuit connections, and current flows through it. Before the accident, abnormal current or heating at the fault point can cause an increase in the temperature of the busbar. At this point, if there is an intelligent temperature measurement system that can measure the temperature of the busbar, it can provide early warning and prevent potential problems. Although manual inspection of the operation of the switchgear can effectively prevent accidents caused by its heating, there is exposed high voltage inside the switchgear and the space is limited, making it impossible to conduct manual inspection and temperature measurement. Trenutno, monitoring the contact temperature inside the switchgear can effectively prevent accidents from occurring. Međutim, due to the high-voltage structure inside the switchgear, manual inspection and temperature measurement are not effective. New switchgear busbars are equipped with protective covers and infrared temperature guns are used, making it impossible to measure temperature from the observation window. The usual temperature measurement methods cannot be used.
Online monitoring system for fiber optic temperature of switchgear busbar
Using a suitable temperature measurement system to measure the temperature of the busbar, especially at points 3 Ili 6 of the overlap, and conducting real-time online monitoring of the temperature of the busbar. Before an accident occurs, abnormal current or heating at the fault point can cause the temperature of the busbar to rise. Through the fiber optic intelligent temperature measurement system, the temperature of the busbar can be measured, which can provide early warning and prevent potential problems. Fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement is a very good implementation plan. U Fluorescentna optička uređaj za merenje temperature includes a fluorescentna optička senzor temperature probe installed at the busbar. Optički senzor temperature prenosi podatke o temperaturi osetio na transmiteru temperature, tako da osoblje može blagovremeno znati temperaturu na sabirnici preklapanja. Senzor temperature ima visoku tačnost merenja i može se široko promovisati i primenjivati u tehnologiji merenja temperature energetske opreme. Tačno čitanje i visoka pouzdanost. Optički senzor prolazi kroz posebnu obradu unutra, koji ne samo da ima dobru izolaciju, već i jaku otpornost na elektromagnetne smetnje, obezbeđivanje pouzdanosti i bezbednosti rada opreme bez ikakvih smetnji ili uticaja na energetsku opremu.