Prodhuesi i Sensori i temperaturës me fibra optike, Sistemi i monitorimit të temperaturës, profesionale OEM/ODM Fabrika, Shitës me shumicë, Furnizuesi.përshtatur.

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Si të matet temperatura në komutues dhe pse pajisjet e shpërndarjes së energjisë përdorin sisteme matëse të temperaturës me fibra optike

Sensori i temperaturës me fibër optike, Sistemi inteligjent i monitorimit, Prodhues i shpërndarë i fibrave optike në Kinë

Matja e temperaturës me fibra optike fluoreshente Pajisja për matjen e temperaturës me fibra optike fluoreshente Sistemi i matjes së temperaturës me fibra optike me fluoreshencë të shpërndarë

Fiber optic temperature measurement for switchgear and distribution cabinets

The function of switchgear and distribution cabinet, and the reasons for the temperature rise of switchgear and distribution cabinet

The function of a switchgear distribution cabinet is to place specialized boxes for electrical appliances and circuits in power equipment, and its main function is to distribute electrical energy. Under normal operation of the switchgear, the components and circuits of the distribution cabinet will not generate serious heating or burning damage. Megjithatë, when the circuit malfunctions, such as electronic components heating up, the internal temperature of the distribution cabinet will rise. Excessive temperature will have a great impact on the electronic equipment inside the distribution cabinet, and in severe cases, it will damage the electronic equipment.

Why does the distribution cabinet need to measure temperature rise and the importance of the temperature measurement device in the switchgear
Në fushën e pajisjeve të kabinetit shpërndarës të tensionit të lartë dhe të ulët të mbyllur, për shkak të kërkesave të mjedisit të punës të kabinetit shpërndarës të mbyllur, ambienti i punës i kabinetit të shpërndarjes është i vulosur. Me vjetërimin e komponentëve dhe kabllove të ndryshme elektronike, pikat e kontaktit ndërmjet pajisjeve të rëndësishme elektrike dhe kabllove do të nxehen për shkak të rezistencës së tepërt të kontaktit të shkaktuar nga pluhuri, lirshmëri, dhe oksidimi, and abnormal heating parts will cause various safety hazards. Megjithatë, për shkak të kërkesave të vulosjes së kabinetit shpërndarës të mbyllur, është e vështirë për inspektorët të vëzhgojnë situatën e brendshme të punës nëpërmjet metodave konvencionale të inspektimit. Për më tepër, due to the fact that the conventional internal temperature measurement equipment is non-contact temperature measuring instruments and is easily affected by various electromagnetic or environmental factors such as high and low temperatures inside the distribution cabinet, inaccurate temperature measurement occurs. The disadvantage of unstable work. Prandaj, matja e saktë online e temperaturës në kohë reale të kabineteve shpërndarëse të mbyllura është bërë një problem urgjent që duhet zgjidhur në industri.

Online monitoring and temperature measurement system for high-voltage switchgear
As an important electrical equipment for distributing electrical energy, the high-voltage distribution cabinet generates heat at the switch contacts and busbar connections due to aging or excessive contact resistance during long-term operation. This aging and heating process is a long-term and continuous process, some of which may take several months to manifest. Për më tepër, due to the exposed high voltage inside the cabinet, temperature monitoring of these heating parts cannot be carried out using conventional methods, especially with the large number of unmanned substations being put into use, conventional manual inspection methods are not competent. Due to the inability to detect temperature changes in abnormal situations of the distribution cabinet in a timely manner, it ultimately leads to the occurrence of fire accidents, resulting in inevitable losses. Monitoring the real-time operation of the contact temperature inside the distribution cabinet and providing timely feedback on the temperature information of the contacts is an effective solution to prevent accidents in the distribution cabinet. Megjithatë, due to the limited structure inside the distribution cabinet, conventional temperature measurements and manual inspection measurements cannot be carried out. Prandaj, achieving real-time online temperature monitoring is an important means to ensure the safe operation of high-voltage distribution cabinets.

Temperature measurement system for high-voltage switchgear
FJINNO Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. provides a fiber optic temperature measurement system for high-voltage distribution cabinets to address the existing issues in temperature measurement technology. The temperature measurement host mainly uses a contact type fiber optic temperature sensor probe for temperature measurement, which transmits data through temperature sensing optical fibers to avoid issues such as high-voltage electromagnetic interference and radio frequency radiation. It has the characteristics of easy installation, accurate temperature measurement, safe and reliable data transmission, and can provide timely feedback on the temperature information of the contacts, effectively preventing accidents in high-voltage distribution cabinets.

Installation of fiber optic temperature measurement system for high-voltage distribution cabinet
The fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement system is used for real-time online fiber optic temperature measurement of the three-phase isolation switch contacts and wire connectors in the distribution cabinet. The fiber optic temperature measurement system in the high-voltage distribution cabinet, including LCD display screen, alarm system, fluorescent fiber optic and fiber optic temperature measurement host, detects the temperature of the distribution cabinet by setting single or multiple fiber optic sensing channels to ensure the temperature measurement requirements of the distribution cabinet. Realize high-precision measurement and fast response, improve electromagnetic interference resistance through fiber optic temperature measurement. The fluorescent fiber optic sensor probe is installed near the contacts and wire connectors of the distribution cabinet. The fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensor probe collects temperature information from the high-voltage distribution cabinet and transmits the collected temperature information to the main temperature measurement host through the fiber optic cable. The signal transmission unit is mainly used for temperature signal transmission and communication. The signal processing unit mainly includes a temperature measurement host, which adopts the method of fluorescence fiber temperature measurement. Its main components are composed of an excitation light source part (excitation light), a temperature detection part (fluorescence probe and fiber coupling), a fluorescence signal detection part, a data acquisition part, e kështu me radhë.

Fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system for high-voltage cabinets
The fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement system has developed a multi-point temperature detection and real-time temperature online monitoring system for distribution cabinet equipment by using fiber optic materials that are resistant to high-voltage electromagnetic interference and have good electrical insulation, as well as advanced process technology. It can collect and transmit temperature data from multiple monitoring points, with a transmission distance of several kilometers to tens of kilometers. Its monitoring data is accurate and has high cost-effectiveness.

Which is the best fiber optic temperature measurement system for high-voltage switchgear
The INNO fiber optic temperature measurement system adopts leading advanced fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement technology, high-temperature and high-pressure resistance technology, digital temperature sensing technology, etj. The fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement device operates well in high and low temperature environments, fusha të forta elektrike, and humid environments. By using fiber optic materials, it can avoid the strong electromagnetic interference of high-voltage electrical equipment and transmit data to the monitoring terminal in a complete and safe manner

Why do power systems use fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors

Fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensor is an important component of the fiber optic temperature measurement system developed based on the principle of fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement. Fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors have unique technological advantages in industrial temperature measurement under special environments such as high voltage and strong electromagnetic interference. The core of the professional fiber optic temperature measurement system for high-voltage switchgear adopts INNO’s self-developed latest generation of fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors and fluorescent fiber optic temperature probes, which have the advantages of intrinsic safety, strong electromagnetic interference resistance, izolim i mirë elektrik, mbrojtje nga rrufeja, high precision, performancë e qëndrueshme, jetë e gjatë shërbimi, rezistenca ndaj korrozionit, and small volume. The fiber optic temperature signal processor adopts advanced digital demodulation technology and has real-time online signal acquisition, përpunimit, and transmission functions. The temperature information of the tested body is fully transmitted through optical signals from sensing, demodulation to transmission. The fiber optic temperature measurement device fully realizes non electric detection and intrinsic safety. Fiber optic temperature measurement is applied in various industrial environments and research fields such as power generation, power transmission, hapësirës ajrore, mikrovalë industriale, mjekësor, food processing, petrochemical, plastic rubber industry, microwave chemistry, etj. The fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement host does not require calibration during its lifespan, and is particularly suitable for real-time temperature monitoring in special industrial environments such as high voltage and strong electromagnetic (EMI/RFI/EMP). Në të njëjtën kohë, the design of the fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement module is flexible and reliable, and can complete multi-point temperature monitoring with complex topological structures, with high environmental adaptability.




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