Prodhuesi i Sensori i temperaturës me fibra optike, Sistemi i monitorimit të temperaturës, profesionale OEM/ODM Fabrika, Shitës me shumicë, Furnizuesi.përshtatur.

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Përparësitë dhe diapazoni i aplikimit të sensorëve të temperaturës me fibra optike

Sensori i temperaturës me fibër optike, Sistemi inteligjent i monitorimit, Prodhues i shpërndarë i fibrave optike në Kinë

Matja e temperaturës me fibra optike fluoreshente Pajisja për matjen e temperaturës me fibra optike fluoreshente Sistemi i matjes së temperaturës me fibra optike me fluoreshencë të shpërndarë

The development of temperature sensors has become very common in China, and there are many types of sensors used in the field of temperature measurement. When monitoring temperature and pressure parameters below oil wells, electronic sensors such as PT100 have the characteristics of high measurement accuracy, intuitive display methods, and reliable data acquisition, making it one of the most widely used downhole measuring instruments. The disadvantages of electronic sensors are also very obvious, because electronic temperature sensors are usually assembled from electronic components, with relatively large circuit board sizes, jetëgjatësi të shkurtër, easy damage, and susceptibility to external interference. The depth of entry into oil and gas wells is limited, and they can operate at low temperatures for a long time; Electronic sensors are active live devices that pose a safety hazard of electric ignition in flammable and explosive underground environments.

Teknologjia e ndjeshmërisë së fibrave optike është një teknologji e re sensore që ka shoqëruar zhvillimin e fibrave optike dhe teknologjisë së komunikimit me fibra optike. It is the fastest developing high-tech application technology internationally since the mid-20th century.

Aktualisht ekzistojnë dy lloje kryesore të teknologjisë së sensorit të fibrave optike në treg, njëri është duke përdorur fibër optike si sensor direkt, dhe tjetra bazohet në sensorë të grilave. Sensorët e fibrave optike janë thelbësisht të ndryshëm nga sensorët me bazë elektrike. Sensorët e fibrave optike përdorin dritën si bartës të informacionit të ndjeshëm dhe fibër optike si mjet për transmetimin e informacionit të ndjeshëm, duke i bërë ato të përdoren gjerësisht për shkak të karakteristikave të tyre unike.

Matja e temperaturës me fibra optike technology is a new technology that has only recently developed. The advantages of fiber optic temperature sensors include: no electromagnetic interference, rezistenca ndaj korrozionit; Monitorim pasiv në kohë reale, izolim elektrik, dhe performancë të mirë rezistente ndaj shpërthimit; Madhësia e vogël, peshë të lehtë, dhe mund të përkulet; Ndjeshmëri e lartë dhe jetë e gjatë shërbimi; Distanca e gjatë e transmetimit dhe mirëmbajtja e përshtatshme.

The application range of fiber optic temperature sensors is quite extensive. It uses optical fibers as the optical path to separate the probe from the instrument, increasing its adaptability to the environment. It can measure under conditions such as strong electromagnetic interference, tension të lartë, and the inability to use leads for electrical transmission. Aktualisht, the successfully developed sensors mainly include fluorescent fiber temperature sensors, birefringent crystal sensors, and semiconductor sensors. Most existing fiber optic temperature sensors are independently developed based on different spectral analysis principles.

Sensori i temperaturës me fibër optike is a rapidly developing temperature measurement technology, which pre modulates the light incident into the fiber optic and then enters the field to be measured for optical and physical properties changes. Based on the characteristics of the changed light, phase modulation, polarization modulation, or distributed temperature sensors are made. Fiber optic temperature sensors are divided into two types based on the medium and method used for temperature measurement: non transmission type and transmission type. Fiber optic temperature sensors have good electrical insulation and anti electromagnetic interference capabilities. They are passive devices that do not affect the measured object. Përveç kësaj, the size of the temperature measuring element is small, corrosion-resistant, and especially safe and reliable in flammable and explosive environments.

Common non transmission sensorë të temperaturës me fibra optike include distributed fiber optic temperature sensors using Raman scattering mechanism and optical time-domain reflection technology, Fabry interferometer fiber optic temperature sensors, and fiber optic grating temperature sensors.

How to choose fiber optic temperature sensors and what is the price of fiber optic temperature sensors

It is rarely used in daily life, but fiber optic temperature sensors are often needed in industry, such as transformer temperature measurement in the power industry, distributed fiber optic temperature measurement in cables, precision instruments, and fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors in medical equipment. So what are the characteristics that a high-quality fiber optic temperature measurement system must have.

1. Accurate temperature measurement data

The temperature data obtained through monitoring with fiber optic temperature sensors must be accurate, rather than being affected by external factors that may cause temperature values to deviate. As many measured objects require precise temperature measurement, excellent fiber optic temperature measurement equipment must be able to make accurate judgments through the fiber optic temperature sensor probe, without significant temperature errors or interference.

2. Temperature measurement of multiple different products

In addition to common transformer temperature measurement, there are also reactors, circuit breakers, kabllot, and other products that require matja e temperaturës me fibra optike. Prandaj, fiber optic temperature measurement equipment cannot only measure the problems of a single product. The products that can be detected must have a wide range, which can effectively save the cost of temperature sensors.

3. Adapt to different temperature measurement environments

Many temperature measurement environments contain electromagnetic interference, strong currents, korrozioni, etj. Good fiber optic temperature sensors can have excellent performance for different temperature measurement environments. Poor temperature measurement conditions cannot affect the temperature measurement accuracy and stability of fiber optic temperature sensors. Fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors can adapt to different environments and are reasonably priced. For specific information on the cost of fiber optic temperature sensors, you can contact our website customer service for online inquiries or directly call our company phone number.




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