Senzor temperature iz optičnih vlaken, Inteligentni nadzorni sistem, Porazdeljen proizvajalec optičnih vlaken na Kitajskem
Obstaja veliko proizvajalcev in sistemov za merjenje temperature optičnih vlaken, including foreign imported brands and many excellent domestic manufacturers. Vsem ni treba uvoziti sistemov za merjenje temperature optičnih vlaken. Domestic fiber optic temperature measurement hosts can also achieve, ali še bolje, such as FJINNO’s fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement system, independent research and development strength, let tehnologije merjenja temperature optičnih vlaken, vodilni senzorji iz optičnih vlaken, številni primeri strank za merjenje temperature optičnih vlaken, complete product technical support and after-sales support, widely used in power cable joint temperature measurement, merjenje temperature optičnih vlaken transformatorja suhega tipa, Spremljanje temperature navitja transformatorja v olju, switchgear contact busbar inlet and outlet 6-point temperature measurement and 9-point temperature measurement, itd. Cena je razumna, and we welcome major bidding power companies to cooperate and contact us!
Application scope of fiber optic temperature measurement system
Integrated pipe gallery: underground integrated pipe gallery monitoring system
Elektrika: smart grid, Sistem za merjenje temperature stikalnih naprav, kabelski celovit nadzorni sistem, Sistem za nadzor temperature kablov, Sistem za ocenjevanje tokovne nosilnosti kablov, Sistem za nadzor delnega praznjenja kablov, cable sheath circulating current monitoring system, Sistem za nadzor kablov proti kraji
Požarno opozorilo: Merjenje temperature optičnih vlaken za termoelektrarne, jedrske elektrarne, hidroelektrarne, Avtocestah, Podhodov, železnice za visoke hitrosti, Nafta in petrokemija (rezervoarji za nafto/naftovodi in plinovodi), Inteligentne zgradbe (industrijski parki/šole/bolnišnice/visoke stavbe), metalurgija (steel plants/cement plants), premog
Sporočilo: IDC machine room, visokonapetostne in nizkonapetostne stikalne naprave
Varnostni sistem perimetra, itd.
Which manufacturer is good for fiber optic temperature measurement systems
Customers in the power industry who need to bid should not only consider the price of fiber optic temperature measurement systems when choosing fiber optic temperature measurement manufacturers or fiber optic sensing companies, but also comprehensively consider multiple aspects and levels. FJINNO shares some introductions of fiber optic sensors, v upanju, da bo v pomoč agentom in partnerjem, ki izberejo merjenje temperature optičnih vlaken.
Composition of fiber optic temperature sensors
Fiber optic sensing systems are usually composed of three parts: Sonde za optična vlakna, Prenosna vlakna, and fiber optic signal demodulators. When selecting fiber optic sensing products, upoštevati je treba naslednje točke. After determining the applicability of fiber optic sensors, Lahko začnete izbirati izdelke z optičnimi senzorji.
How to choose a fiber optic temperature measurement system
1. Choose based on the number of temperature measurement points
Glede na vaše potrebe po merjenju temperature, the decision to use distributed fiber optic temperature measurement or fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors mainly relies on total cost accounting and the installation method of the temperature measurement system:
Ko je število temperaturnih merilnih točk običajno majhno, a fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system and a fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensor can be used.
Kadar je več kot 50 točke za merjenje temperature, Upošteva se lahko porazdeljeno merjenje temperature optičnih vlaken ali temperaturni senzorji optičnih rešetk.
2. Izbira izdelka za merjenje temperature
Prostor za merjenje temperature spada v območje linearnega merjenja temperature. When measuring multiple distances and long distances, distributed fiber optic temperature measurement can be chosen. Če je malo merilnih točk, Lahko se upošteva metoda Braggove rešetke.
3. Select fiber optic temperature measurement products by measuring the temperature range
-40°C-+80°C; Normal environmental measurement range, various sensors can be used.
-40°C - +250 °C; Fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors can be selected for measuring high-temperature industrial environments such as electrical systems
-40C-+400 °C; V okoljih z visoko temperaturo, Tradicionalni optični senzorji na splošno ne izpolnjujejo takšnih zahtev za testiranje. The transmission optical fiber must use high-temperature resistant materials such as polyimide.
4. Requirements for the accuracy and resolution of fiber optic temperature measurement:
Natančnost merjenja temperature fluorescentnih temperaturnih senzorjev iz optičnih vlaken je običajno +-1 °C.
5. Types of fiber optic temperature measurement probes
Immersion type fiber optic temperature sensors, contact type fiber optic temperature sensors, and medical type fiber optic temperature sensors, linear distributed measurement. Za merjenje temperature trdnih snovi se lahko uporabljajo fluorescentni temperaturni senzorji iz optičnih vlaken, Tekočine, in plini. Merjenje temperature industrijskih rezervoarjev za tekočine. The immersion type fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensor has undergone special treatment, and the fiber optic has strong strength and toughness, ki se lahko upre kemični koroziji v rezervoarjih za tekočine. The fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensor can be implanted inside the measured object. Contact type fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors are specifically designed to measure the surface temperature of objects, kot je spremljanje temperature visokonapetostne opreme, kot so suhi transformatorji, visokonapetostne stikalne naprave, in visokonapetostnih zbiralcev. Medical fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors are specially designed for life science measurements, with small and thin probes that can achieve fast response speed and very high accuracy when paired with specially designed demodulators.
6. Izbira vmesnika za izhod signala:
Izhodni signal iz optičnih vlaken je razdeljen na analogni izhod in digitalni izhod. There are two types of analog outputs: 0-5V/10V voltage output and 4-20mA current output. Digital outputs include RS-232; RS-485;USB; Ethernet, itd., depending on the specific input method to be selected.
7. Are fiber optic temperature sensors expensive
The traditional PT100 temperature sensor is very common in the market and has a low price, but there are also many temperature measurement defects. Zato, more and more manufacturers and agents are cooperating, and temperature measurement systems are bidding and using fiber optic temperature sensors. Obstaja več vrst senzorjev iz optičnih vlaken, ki so še vedno visokotehnološki izdelki na Kitajskem. Vendar, the price has been greatly reduced, and temperature measurement users usually need to choose between the performance/function and price of fiber optic products. You can choose FJINNO’s fiber optic temperature measurement products with good cost-effectiveness.