Výrobca Snímač teploty z optických vlákien, Systém monitorovania teploty, Profesionálny OEM/ODM Továreň, Veľkoobchodník, Dodávateľ.prispôsobené.

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Distributed optical fiber temperature measurement

Snímač teploty z optických vlákien, Inteligentný monitorovací systém, Distribuovaný výrobca optických vlákien v Číne

Meranie teploty fluorescenčných optických vlákien Zariadenie na meranie teploty z optických vlákien Distribuovaný fluorescenčný systém merania teploty z optických vlákien

The full name of fiber optic temperature measurement is fiber optic temperature measurement, which can be mainly used in power equipment. It provides fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement, Distribuované meranie teploty z optických vlákien, and fiber Bragg grating temperature measurement. Cena je primeraná, please feel free to contact us.

The distributed fiber optic temperature sensing system can continuously measure the temperature along the fiber optic cable, with a measurement distance of several thousand meters and a spatial positioning accuracy of meters. It can perform uninterrupted automatic measurement and is particularly suitable for applications that require large-scale measurement. The traditional method for measuring temperature in distributed fiber optic temperature sensing systems is to use Stokes light to demodulate anti Stokes light, that is, to obtain the intensity ratio of anti Stokes light to Stokes light, and then compensate for the attenuation of the intensity ratio signal.

Distributed fiber optic temperature measurement technology is widely used in temperature measurement and monitoring in hazardous areas, important areas, pressure vessel surface temperature measurement and monitoring, large-scale and large-scale temperature measurement and monitoring, as well as temperature measurement and monitoring in the transportation field. Distributed fiber optic temperature measurement is widely used in temperature monitoring and fire alarm of facilities such as power, petrochemical, transportation, buildings, and water conservancy;

Distributed fiber optic temperature measurement system parameters

Vzdialenosť merania: 0-16km (industry-leading)
Čas merania: 2s/channel (industry-leading)
Temperature measurement accuracy: ± 0.5 °C (full range)
Temperature resolution: 0.1 °C
Number of channels: 1-8 (voliteľný)
Temperature measurement range: -40 ℃~85 ℃ (conventional optical fiber):
-40 ℃~250 ℃ (special optical fiber)
Sampling interval of 0.4m, 0.8m (industry best)
Spatial resolution: 1m, 2m, 3m
Positioning accuracy: 1m

Distributed fiber optic temperature measurement host interface:

Fiber optic connector: FC/APC
Komunikačné rozhranie: Sieť ethernet, USB, RS232
Relay: 16 temperature alarms, 2 Poruchy systému

Working conditions of distributed fiber optic temperature measurement host

Pracovná teplota: -10 °C ~ 60 °C
Pracovná vlhkosť: 0-95% R H
Žiadna kondenzácia
Funkčné napájanie: Jednosmerný prúd 24V, AC
220V (voliteľný)
IP level: IP50

Characteristics of Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement Products

Dokáže nepretržite získavať informácie o meraní pozdĺž detekčného optického kábla na desiatky kilometrov, with low false alarm and false alarm rates, a dokáže dosiahnuť monitorovanie v reálnom čase. Ultra nízka spotreba energie, host power consumption less than 15W, dizajn bez ventilátora. Antielektromagnetické rušenie, môže normálne fungovať v prostredí s vysokým elektromagnetickým vysokom. Dlhá vzdialenosť merania, vhodné na diaľkové monitorovanie. Equipped with GPRS SMS alarm function, no need for manual monitoring. Support multiple fire alarm methods including early warning, Diferenčná teplota, and fixed temperature. Zóny alarmu a teploty alarmu je možné nastaviť ľubovoľne. Dlhá životnosť, nízke náklady, a jednoduchý systém.

Distributed fiber optic temperature measurement application field

Fire monitoring and alarm in tunnels, Podchodov, a diaľnice, as well as monitoring leaks in oil and gas transmission pipelines or storage tanks,
Temperature monitoring and fault point detection of oil depots, oil pipes, a olejové nádrže, surface temperature detection and fault point positioning of power cables, Požiarne monitorovanie káblových tunelov a medzivrstiev, temperature monitoring of power plants and substations, fault point detection and fire alarm, leakage of dams and embankments, and concrete solidification and maintenance temperature of dams, embankments, and bridges.




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