Producătorul Senzor de temperatură cu fibră optică, Sistem de monitorizare a temperaturii, Profesionist OEM / ODM Fabrică, Angrosist, Furnizor.personalizat.

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Culme 10 Producători de sisteme de măsurare a temperaturii din fibră optică pentru dulapuri electrice

Senzor de temperatură cu fibră optică, Sistem inteligent de monitorizare, Producător de fibră optică distribuită în China

Măsurarea temperaturii fluorescente cu fibră optică Dispozitiv de măsurare a temperaturii fluorescente cu fibră optică Sistem distribuit de măsurare a temperaturii cu fibră optică fluorescentă

Why do we need temperature measurement for aging cabinets

Odată cu dezvoltarea transmisiei AC/DC către înaltă tensiune și capacitate mare, Companiile de rețele electrice au propus cerințe mai mari pentru capacitatea de transport a curentului echipamentelor electrice de înaltă tensiune. Utilizatorii speră să folosească produse stabile, fiabil, și să aibă performanțe mai bune. Echipamentele electrice au cerințe stricte pentru temperatura de funcționare, și au existat un număr mare de cazuri de supraîncălzire a echipamentelor din cauza scurtcircuitelor și a altor motive, rezultând pierderi grave în stațiile de transformare. Monitorizarea în timp real a temperaturii de funcționare a echipamentelor electrice, în special echipamentele electrice de bază, este deosebit de important pentru a evita pierderile cauzate de supraîncălzirea echipamentelor electrice.

The reason for the temperature rise in the aging cabinet

When conducting aging tests on electronic product aging cabinets, due to the large number of electronic products installed inside the cabinet, and the fact that the electronic products themselves dissipate heat, the temperature controllability inside the cabinet is poor. It is necessary to monitor the temperature inside the cabinet in real time to avoid high temperatures that can easily cause the failure of the tested product and result in losses. The existing temperature measurement technology for aging cabinets uses traditional thermocouples for temperature measurement, which has low monitoring efficiency and poor accuracy. The high and low temperature aging test of electronic products is a necessary means to eliminate early failures and control product quality. The uniformity of temperature distribution inside the aging cabinet is an important technical indicator of the aging cabinet, which will directly affect the aging results of electronic products placed in different aging cabinet areas.

Traditional temperature measurement technology for electronic aging cabinets

When conducting aging tests on electronic product aging cabinets, due to the large number of electronic products installed inside the cabinet, and the fact that the electronic products themselves dissipate heat, the temperature controllability inside the cabinet is poor. It is necessary to monitor the temperature inside the cabinet in real time to avoid high temperatures that can easily cause the failure of the tested product and result in losses. The existing temperature measurement technology uses traditional thermocouples for inspection, which have low monitoring efficiency and poor accuracy.

Fiber optic sensing technology for aging cabinets

Odată cu dezvoltarea continuă a tehnologiei de detectare, Cererea oamenilor pentru tehnologia senzorilor crește, de asemenea, pe zi ce trece. Fiber optic sensors that meet the conditions of high sensitivity, cost redus, Proces simplu de preparare, and good stability are rare. În procesul de detectare și detecție, sensibilitatea și stabilitatea sunt principalii factori tehnici de influență, while the preparation process and cost are important influencing factors in industrial production. În același timp, fiber optic sensors that combine these advantages are receiving increasing attention and favor.

Aging cabinet fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system

The aging cabinet fiber optic temperature measurement system can use fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors. The cost of fluorescent fiber optic sensors is controllable, and single point multi-point temperature monitoring can comprehensively detect the situation of each point of the monitored object, with a large detection range; Secondly, the fiber optic probe is integrated with the signal channel and transmits optical signals. It is resistant to radio frequency and electromagnetic interference, flame and explosion, coroziune, high voltage and strong electromagnetic fields, and radiation, and can work in various harsh environments.

The fiber optic temperature measurement system of the new aging cabinet can accurately measure the temperature of various hotspots inside the aging cabinet by installing 3-point or 6-point senzori de temperatură cu fibră optică inside the cabinet. Fiber optic temperature sensors are arranged inside the cabinet to collect real-time temperature information inside the cabinet; The fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensor ultimately transmits temperature information to the fiber optic temperature measurement transmitter for analysis and calculation, and is ultimately centrally controlled by the controller; After real-time monitoring of temperature information, the controller can adopt control methods such as real-time display and alarm to avoid product failures caused by temperature changes inside the cabinet.




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