To ensure the safe and stable operation of oil immersed transformers, data such as oil temperature, nivelul uleiului, curent, and voltage are often monitored. A transformer status online monitoring system is needed, which can monitor various key parameters of the equipment operation status at any time, timely understand the equipment status and quickly alarm in case of abnormal faults, manage and control in a timely manner, and effectively improve the reliability of transformer operation.
Based on the requirements and relevant technical standards for online monitoring of intelligent distribution transformers and combined substations, we have independently developed a three in one monitoring device for oil temperature, nivelul uleiului, and pressure. This device has the advantages of high safety, cost redus, good real-time performance, convenient installation, and easy maintenance. It can be used for oil immersed transformers and combined substations, providing a good solution for online monitoring of oil temperature, nivelul uleiului, and pressure of power equipment. The monitoring device can achieve precise monitoring of transformer oil temperature oil level pressure and upload it to the intelligent fusion terminal in the substation area through RS-485.
1. Production standard: Enterprise standard Q/IB 0001-2024
2. Certification Standard: ISO9001:2015 Certificarea internațională a sistemului de management al calității
ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System Certification
ISO45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification
3. Experimental standard: IEC61000-4:2005 international standard
GB/T17626-2008 “Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing and Measurement Techniques” standard
According to the standard: DL/T 1498.1-2016; Q/GDW 1535-2015; DL/T 1432.1-2015