Producătorul Senzor de temperatură cu fibră optică, Sistem de monitorizare a temperaturii, Profesionist OEM / ODM Fabrică, Angrosist, Furnizor.personalizat.

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How to Monitor Transformer Winding Temperature with Fluorescent Fiber Optics?

Senzor de temperatură cu fibră optică, Sistem inteligent de monitorizare, Producător de fibră optică distribuită în China

Măsurarea temperaturii fluorescente cu fibră optică Dispozitiv de măsurare a temperaturii fluorescente cu fibră optică Sistem distribuit de măsurare a temperaturii cu fibră optică fluorescentă

Fluorescent Decay Lifetime Principle for Accurate Sensing

Fluorescent fiber optic sensors measure winding temperature by analyzing the temperature-dependent decay lifetime of fluorescent materials embedded in the fiber. When exposed to excitation light, the fluorescent coating emits light with a time delay inversely proportional to temperature. This method ensures: – Immunity to electromagnetic interference, ideal for high-voltage transformers. – – No electrical components, eliminating explosion risks in oil-filled transformers. – Long-term stability (over 20 Ani) without signal drift.
Fluorescent decay technology achieves ±0.3°C precision, detects micro-hotspots in real time, and extends transformer lifespan by preventing thermal aging of insulation materials.

Măsurarea temperaturii transformatorului

1. Fluorescent Decay Lifetime Principle

Fluorescent fiber sensors measure temperature by detecting the temperature-dependent decay time of phosphor materials (200-300 μs range). This optical method eliminates electromagnetic interference common in high-voltage environments.

Parameter Fluorescent Fiber Infrared Camera
Measurement Depth Embedded in winding Surface only
Precizie (0-200°C) ±0.3°C ±5°C

Technical Validation

2. Intrinsically Safe Non-Metallic Design

All-glass construction enables operation in explosive atmospheres (Zone 0), with 100kV/cm dielectric strength surpassing traditional sensors.

Feature Fluorescent Fiber RTD
Metal Content 0% 100%
Explosion-proof Certification ATEX/IECEx Requires housing

Technical Validation

  • Certified intrinsically safe per IEC 60079-28:2015
  • Deployed in State Grid’s ±800kV Qingyu DC transmission project

3. Multi-Industry Adaptability

Single fiber solution works across power transformers, Reactoare, and GIS systems with customized probe designs (needle/coil/disk types).

Application Probe Type Temp Range
Oil-immersed Transformer 3mm needle -40~180°C
Dry-type Reactor Flexible coil 0~200°C

Technical Validation

4. Long-term Stability Performance

Maintains ±0.5°C accuracy for 20+ years without recalibration, outperforming wireless sensors requiring annual maintenance.

Metric Fluorescent Fiber Wireless Sensor
Battery Life N/A (passive) 3-5 Ani
Data Loss Rate 0% 15%

Technical Validation

  • 0.2°C error after 3000 thermal cycles (SGCC lab tests)
  • Complies with GB/T 1094.7-2021 creșterea temperaturii requirements

5. Cost-Effective Lifecycle Management

Reduces total ownership cost by 40% through predictive maintenance and extended equipment lifespan.

Cost Factor Fluorescent System Traditional Methods
Installation Cost $12k $8k
10-Year Maintenance $2k $18k

Technical Validation





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