Producent Światłowodowy czujnik temperatury, System monitorowania temperatury, Profesjonalny OEM/ODM Fabryka, Hurtownik, Dostawca.dostosowane.

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How to Monitor Temperature in Gas Insulated GIS

Światłowodowy czujnik temperatury, Inteligentny system monitorowania, Rozproszony producent światłowodów w Chinach

Fluorescencyjny pomiar temperatury światłowodu Fluorescencyjne światłowodowe urządzenie do pomiaru temperatury Rozproszony światłowodowy system pomiaru temperatury

Gas insulated composite electrical appliances have rapidly developed and been widely used in the high-voltage and ultra high voltage fields of power systems due to their advantages of being unaffected by the environment, short construction and installation time, low construction costs, safe and reliable operation, no radio interference, and small footprint. Jednak, their joints often suffer from uneven silver plating and detachment of silver plating due to insufficient manufacturing processes and differences in assembly processes between different manufacturers, resulting in poor contact at the contact points and excessive contact resistance. Even under normal current conditions, it may cause severe heating and trigger local overheating faults.

If the isolation switch in a certain substation has poor contact between the moving and stationary contacts, causing abnormal heating of the contacts after passing current, resulting in contact burnout failure. Contact temperature is the most direct indicator of contact thermal fault information, so online monitoring of GIS equipment contact temperature is of great practical significance for the safe and stable operation of power systems.

Fiber optic temperature measurement technology has the advantages of not being affected by electromagnetic interference, good insulation performance, high reliability, small size, easy installation, and strong implantable capability.

Ten fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system can be installed in an embedded manner, which can accurately and directly detect the temperature of the cable plug without damaging the insulation of the cable plug. Directly pour fluorescent fiber optic probes into the silicone sheath of cable plugs, and reserve fiber optic connectors. During on-site installation, the fiber optic can be directly inserted into the reserved fiber optic connectors to complete the connection. W tym samym czasie, this installation method is also convenient for wiring and can be laid together with cable lines. The embedded method is to embed the fiber optic sensor probe into the sheath during the production of the sheath, which can ensure stable contact between the probe and the cable, and also perform insulation testing before leaving the factory to ensure insulation performance.

Independent flexibility

The device comes with a built-in screen display that can independently display alarm status, set alarm thresholds, view alarm records, handle alarms (delete or save alarm records), modify passwords, itd; After the device is connected to the network, the above operations can also be performed on the computer system platform.
Data transmission does not affect each other
On site synchronous measurement and data transmission, each measurement unit uses a data bus for data transmission, so it is easy to eliminate the influence of external changes on monitoring results, making the monitoring data of each tested device comparable.

Alarm quickly
High collection frequency and accuracy, data can be collected according to user settings, with a minimum cycle of less than 1 sekunda.
Predicting equipment operation status
Realize the calculation and analysis of the historical trend of temperature values of the tested equipment, and evaluate the aging status of the switch based on operating condition information. Ensure the safety of the power system and provide a basis for equipment status maintenance; Provide reliable technical data for equipment maintenance evaluation and predictive maintenance.




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