Wopanga wa Fiber Optic Kutentha Sensor, Kutentha Monitoring System, Katswiri OEM / ODM Fakitale, Wogulitsa malonda, Supplier.zosinthidwa mwamakonda.

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Wopanga Wabwino Kwambiri wa Fiber Bragg Grating Thermal Fire Detection System

Fiber optic kutentha sensor, Njira yowunikira mwanzeru, Kugawidwa kwa fiber optic wopanga ku China

Muyezo wa kutentha kwa Fluorescent fiber optic Fluorescent fiber optic kuyeza kutentha Makina oyezera kutentha kwa fluorescence fiber optic

Why do switch cabinets need fiber optic grating temperature sensing fire detection systems

The switchgear is a key equipment in the substation, and its internal switch contacts complete the execution of power dispatching. Due to excessive load, aging of contacts, and improper contact, the temperature of the contacts in switchgear can rise. Kutentha kwambiri kungayambitse moto mosavuta, power supply failures, power outages, and personal and property losses. The current temperature measurement method in substations mainly uses handheld infrared thermometers to measure temperature, and conducts daily inspections of each switchgear to obtain temperature status information. Each substation urgently needs an online temperature measurement technology that can automatically collect the temperature of each contact in real time, kuwunika kusintha kwa kutentha munthawi yake komanso molondola, ndi kupereka machenjezo kutentha kusanakwere kwambiri, so that managers have sufficient time to take corresponding measures to avoid power outages and fires.

Fiber optic temperature sensing technology can develop a fiber optic grating temperature sensing fire detection system, which can monitor the temperature of switchgear in real time and provide early warning and alarm. Dongosololi limagwiritsa ntchito njira yoyezera kutentha kwamtundu uliwonse wa fiber sensing, kuchotsa zoopsa zachitetezo cha dongosolo loyang'anira palokha ndikuwongolera kwambiri kupezeka kwa njira yowunikira yowunikira kutentha kwamagetsi.. Njira yoyezera kutentha kwa fiber optic iyi imagwiritsidwa ntchito ndi mafakitale ambiri amagetsi ndi makampani opanga magetsi, kuchepetsa kwambiri zochitika za ngozi zamoto ndikukwaniritsadi kupewa zisanachitike, mogwirizana ndi lingaliro la chitetezo cha “chitetezo choyamba, kupewa” m'makampani opanga magetsi.

What are the main functions of the fiber Bragg grating temperature measurement system host

1. Zipangizo zozindikira kutentha zimalimbana ndi malawi komanso sizingaphulike.

Gawo loyezera kutentha limatengera mawonekedwe onse a ulusi, zomwe zimazindikiradi kuwunika kopanda kutentha. Salipiritsidwa, sichimapanga kutentha, ndipo sichidzabweretsa zoopsa zilizonse chifukwa cha kutumizidwa kwa makina omvera.

2. Kuyeza kutentha kwakukulu ndi kuyankha mofulumira.

The temperature measurement host has high temperature resolution and high temperature measurement accuracy. The full channel scanning time is short, with a temperature detection time of about 2 seconds for 16 njira.

3. Kuwunika nthawi yeniyeni pa intaneti.

Monitor the temperature of all measuring points in the substation switchgear continuously for 7×24 maola, and regularly save the temperature measurement data to provide auxiliary data for the health monitoring of each switchgear.

4. Accurate spatial positioning.

Fiber Bragg grating temperature sensing corresponds to each measurement point position, and each sensor has global uniqueness. The upper computer monitoring software can accurately locate the location of the sensor that triggered the alarm.

5. Flexible partition alarm control.

Kupyolera mu polojekiti mapulogalamu pa chapamwamba kompyuta, different temperature measurement points can be managed in different zones according to customer needs. Nthawi zambiri, the contacts inside the same switchgear are set as one zone. Set different alarm parameters for each temperature measurement point, monga chenjezo la kutentha, chenjezo lokwera kutentha, Alamu ya kutentha, ndi alamu yakukwera kwa kutentha, kusiyanitsa molondola pakati pa moto weniweni ndi wabodza, kuchotsa ma alarm abodza ndi zosiyidwa.

6. Comprehensive self diagnostic ntchito.

Each temperature sensor in this system has wavelength uniqueness, and the system database can remember its precise location. At the same time as each temperature measurement, the system performs self testing and diagnosis to detect sensor faults in real time for timely repair and maintenance.

7. Zamphamvu mapulogalamu mbali.

Nthawi yeniyeni yowonetsera malo, mitengo ya kutentha, ndi kusintha kwa kutentha kwa dera lililonse loyang'anira pa mawonekedwe a makina a anthu. Ngati kompyuta yapamwamba ili ndi gawo la alamu la SMS, chidziwitso cha alamu chikhoza kutumizidwa ku mafoni a m'manja a ogwira ntchito omwe asankhidwa kuti atsimikizire kuti akugwira ntchito panthawi yake zoopsa zamoto. Pa kompyuta pamwamba, mbiri yakale ya kutentha ndi zolemba za alamu zingathenso kufunsidwa kuti apange malipoti a chitetezo.




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