Fiberoptisk temperatursensor, Intelligent overvåkingssystem, Distribuert fiberoptisk produsent i Kina
Nå, various types of low-voltage distribution cabinets are developing towards miniaturization and compactness. Due to the relatively enclosed cabinet and narrow internal space, electrical equipment operates at full load for a long time, resulting in heat accumulation and temperature rise. Dessuten, the temperature of the heating parts of these equipment cannot be monitored in real-time manually. Derfor, long-term high-temperature operation can easily damage the insulation performance of electrical equipment, affect the normal operation of the system, and cause economic losses.
The existing switchgear temperature is manually monitored, which is labor-intensive, inaccurate, and cannot be continuously monitored at multiple points. The existing high-voltage cabinets do not have an automatic monitoring system. Imidlertid, during long-term operation, the power cables of the high-voltage cabinets age, and the contacts of the switches heat up due to aging or excessive contact resistance. Long term high current, cables and switches operate under high load, which can easily cause contact erosion or high-temperature deformation and carbonization of the insulation isolation cover, leading to accidents. FJINNO provides an intelligent temperature measurement and monitoring system for low-voltage switchgear.
Copper busbar trunking has increasingly replaced wires and cables in indoor low-voltage power transmission trunk projects, and has become an important branch of distribution equipment, widely used in various industries. Imidlertid, in the practical application of copper bars entering wire ducts, på grunn av langvarig drift i luften og påvirkning av omgivelsestemperatur og fuktighet, termisk ekspansjon og sammentrekning, Overflate skalering, oksidasjon eller korrosjon kan oppstå, noe som resulterer i løse kontakter og dårlig kontakt. Kobberstangen som kommer inn i trådskjøter under drift kan oppleve unormal temperaturoveroppheting, som kan føre til brann eller større sikkerhetsulykker. Under drift, Kobberskinnen som kommer inn i ledningskanalen er i helt lukket tilstand, Så det er nødvendig å overvåke temperaturen på kobberskinnen som kommer inn i ledningskanalskjøten for å forbedre påliteligheten til driften av kobberskinnen som kommer inn i ledningskanalen.
Fiber optic temperature measurement system for incoming cabinet
1. Den fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement device can measure the temperature of the incoming and outgoing lines, busbars, Kontakter, and other positions of the switchgear;
2. Fiber optic temperature measurement, multi-channel and multi-channel temperature measurement, capable of Tre, six, nine temperature measurements, etc;
3. High voltage resistance, anti-interferens, isolasjon, and stable temperature measurement. The products provided by FJINNO comply with international technical standards.
4. The manufacturer provides attentive service, independently develops and produces, and provides after-sales support.