Tus manufacturer ntawm Fibre Optic kub Sensor, Xyuas lawv, cov tub txawg tub OEM/ODM Hoobkas, Lag luam wholesaler, Supplier.customized.

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Mooxov xwm luam

DTS faib fiber optic kub ntsuas lawv mus ntev-nyob deb li cas cables

Fiber optic kub sensor, Ntse xyuas lawv, Distributed fiber optic manufacturer nyob Suav teb

Fluorescent fiber optic kub ntsuas Fluorescent fiber optic kub ntsuas ntaus ntawv Distributed fluorescence fiber optic kub ntsuas lawv

Tus nyob deb li cas fais fab cable DTS Lawv yog ib tug unique fiber optic ntsuas lawv tsim rau long-distance xyuas cov hwjchim underground cables thiab overhead transmission kab.
Tej thaj chaw deb DTS lawv continuously saib thiab predicts cable loads thiab tub ntxhais kub, Muaj ib zaug xwb ntev mus txog 70km.
Nrog cov thov rau hluav taws xob thiab tshiab renewable zog cov chaw muab kev pab, Tswj lub hwj huam grid kuj yog ntau txoj, Thiab tswv fim ntau dua yuav tsum tau ua hauj lwm rau kev khiav hauj lwm teev thiab nyuaj grid load balancing.
Qhov kev lag luam-ua 70 kilometer ntau yam txo nqi thiab plahaum complexity, Tsawg dua DTS chav nyob yuav tsum tau rau txhua plahaum. Nrog ib built-in fiber optic hloov, Lub DTS lawv rau long-distance fais fab cables yuav kov txog 16 fibers, ua kom nws muaj peev xwm tuav tau 16 ywj siab.
The long-distance DTS system can measure the temperature of cables with an accuracy of better than 1 ° C, thiab lub hom phiaj yuav txo tau kom txo tau 2 nyob deb li cas 70 km με。 Qhov no xyuas kom precise hotspot qhov chaw thiab ceev detection ntawm mechanical interference hauv cables (xws li nkoj anchors, excavator excavation, li ntawd.).
In addition, Cov ntaub ntawv siv rau real-time calculation ntawm cable tus cwjpwm kub thiab twv ua ntej cable load (Real-time thermal ntsuam xyuas), Tas cov tswv khiav lag luam lub cable saum nominal peev xwm hauv ncov thaum muaj xwm ceev.
Kev lag luam ua 70 tsheb ts nrho
Excellent hotspot detection raws tus tag nrho sensor cable
Yooj ywm thiab ncaj qha mus tswj lub nruab xws li SCADA
nce 16 ywj siab channels, Tas ib chav tsev los npog txoj infrastructure
Qhov kub ntawm kev daws teeb meem zoo dua 1 ° C
Maintenance dawb thiab yooj yim sab nraum zoov nruab nrab peev xwm
Lub sij hawm tiag thermal ntsuam xyuas (RRTR) software calculation cav raws li IEC, AEIC, thiab IEEE cov qauv kawm
Lub sij hawm nruab nrab ntawm failures lawm 40 Xyoos




Cia li hais lus