Senser tat-temperatura tal-fibra ottika, Sistema ta 'monitoraġġ intelliġenti, Manifattur tal-fibra ottika distribwita fiċ-Ċina
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Il-pipelines huma faċilitajiet essenzjali għat-trasport tal-materjal għal sistemi importanti bħall-gass naturali, Żejt, tisħin urban, u l-gass. Huwa ta' sinifikat kbir għall-iżvilupp tal-ekonomija nazzjonali u t-trasport tal-enerġija u l-materjali. Fl-istess ħin, Il-faċilitajiet tal-pipelines għandhom investiment kbir u jinsabu l-aktar fi trinek jew midfuna taħt l-art. Għandhom ċertu grad ta 'ħabi fl-ispazju. Jekk issirilhom ħsara minħabba raġunijiet umani jew naturali, Huwa diffiċli li jiġu identifikati fil-ħin. It-tnixxija ta' sustanzi fjammabbli u splussivi se ġġib magħha perikli kbar għas-sikurezza. Jekk dan jikkawża inċident tan-nar jew splużjoni, Dan se jġib telf ekonomiku enormi, u anke jikkawżaw diżgrazzji u diżordni soċjali sinifikanti.
Traditional pipeline monitoring methods rely on monitoring changes in pressure in pipeline sections or detecting problems such as pipeline deformation or leakage before they can be disposed of. Għalhekk, pipeline disposal often occurs after an event has occurred and has caused certain consequences. Currently, there is no reliable technical measure for effective monitoring of pipeline accidents in the early stages. If existing monitoring devices such as electromagnetic sensors are used, pipeline leakage may cause safety accidents such as fires or explosions, and it is not possible to achieve comprehensive monitoring of the entire pipeline. Għalhekk, it is necessary and urgent to develop a comprehensive and timely monitoring system and method that is less prone to other adverse reactions with pipeline media.
The fiber optic monitoring device for pipeline vibration can monitor and analyze municipal pipelines such as natural gas in real time, and can realize the detection and warning of natural gas pipeline infringement events and the detection and analysis of damage and leakage points.
A new type of fiber optic monitoring device for pipeline vibration, including induction devices, sensing devices, monitoring controllers, and warning devices; The sensing device is fixed on the pipeline, and the sensing device includes fiber optic cables laid along the pipeline and clamps used for installing fiber optic cables and forming a fixed connection with the pipeline; The sensing device includes a vibration collector for monitoring the vibration of fiber optic cables and a fiber optic thermometer for monitoring the temperature changes of fiber optic cables; The vibration collector and fiber optic thermometer are both connected to the monitoring controller signal, which is connected to the warning device signal and transmits warning information and sends warning commands to the warning device.
The fiber optic monitoring device for pipeline vibration is designed for monitoring the distribution of vibration and temperature in municipal pipelines such as natural gas. It can detect and warn of natural gas pipeline infringement events and detect and analyze damage and leakage points. Il-monitoraġġ tas-sensing jinkiseb permezz tal-kejl tal-induzzjoni tal-pipeline permezz tal-fibra ottika. By utilizing the advantages of fiber optic’s anti electromagnetic interference ability, netwerking konvenjenti, u faxxa tal-frekwenza tat-trażmissjoni tas-sinjal kbir inerenti, the sensor for fiber optic vibration and temperature breaks through the limitations of electrical sensors. It provides a very effective monitoring method for environments that require explosion-proof, kontra l-korrużjoni, u anke interferenza tal-kamp elettromanjetiku, and realizes all-weather and all-round monitoring of the sub health status of natural gas and other pipelines through early detection and early warning.
The problem solved by the fiber optic perimeter prevention alarm system for oil pipeline vibration:
Prevent climbing, flipping, and destruction
Installation method: (1) Hanging net installation (2) Wall exposed installation (3) Buried type
The functional characteristics of the fiber optic perimeter protection alarm system for oil pipeline vibration:
1. Real time zone alarm.
2. It has a weather proof algorithm to shield against external interference such as wind and rain.
3. Equipped with an electronic map that visually displays the alarm area.
4. Sensitive alarm with minimal false alarms.
5. Multiple defense zones, one cable design, convenient installation.