Шилэн оптик температур мэдрэгч, Ухаалаг хяналтын систем, Хятад дахь шилэн кабелийн үйлдвэрлэгч
Why do reactors need temperature measurement? Reactor fiber optic temperature measurement system
Reactors are the main auxiliary equipment of long-distance transmission systems, playing an important role in power transmission due to their superior electrical performance. During the operation of a reactor, it is often due to external factors, internal structure, and other factors that the reactor may experience local temperature rise and overheating, ultimately leading to local burnout or even scrapping. This brings significant economic losses to the country and enterprises. Тиймээс, adopting a reactor fiber optic temperature measurement system and real-time monitoring of the internal temperature of the reactor is of great significance and practical value.
The reactor fiber optic temperature measurement adopts a fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement device. The sensing probe of this device is made of imported quartz fiber, which has complete electrical insulation and is not affected by high voltage and strong electromagnetic fields. It is resistant to chemical corrosion and pollution, and has fast response speed, simple installation, and high temperature resistance. The backend software is used for real-time online monitoring.
Purpose of Reactor Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement System
When the reactor sends abnormal or faulty signals, the faulty area of the reactor heats up and the temperature rises. By monitoring the temperature, the operating status of the reactor can be determined, thereby achieving the goal of protecting the reactor.
Ordinary temperature measurement devices cannot measure the internal temperature of reactors. To solve this problem, our company’s developed fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system can solve this problem through its anti-interference and high-temperature and high-pressure resistance characteristics.
Design principles of fiber optic temperature measurement host for reactors
Практик байдлын зарчим
Системийн бүтэц нь практик зарчмыг баримталдаг. Практик байдлын үндсэн дээр, дэвшилтэт байдал, алсын харааг харгалзан үздэг, болон стандарт, Дэвшилтэт, боловсорч гүйцсэн бүтээгдэхүүн, хөгжлийн платформууд нь практик, практик асуудлыг шийдвэрлэх системийг бий болгохын тулд сонгогддог.
Стандартчиллын зарчим
Business applications have the characteristics of complex business, numerous processes, large amount of information, and multiple application levels. Through unified application function planning, consensus can be reached on business operations at the application level, guiding various business units to carry out business with unified standards.
The system software and hardware platforms and application development tools used in the construction of business applications should comply with national standards, Мэдээллийн аж үйлдвэрийн яамны стандарт, холбогдох техникийн үзүүлэлтүүд болон компанийн шаардлага.
Нэгдмэл байдлын зарчим
Мэдээллийн төвлөрсөн удирдлагын бодлогыг баримталж, ерөнхий төлөвлөлт, ерөнхий дизайн, болон алхам алхмаар хэрэгжүүлэх, хэрэгжүүлэх үйл явц нь дөрвөн нэгдсэн зарчмыг агуулсан байдаг: нэгдсэн удирдлага, нэгдсэн төлөвлөлт, нэгдсэн стандартууд, нэгдсэн зохион байгуулалт, хэрэгжилт.
Найдвартай байдлын зарчим
The software and hardware resources need to ensure the uninterrupted and reliable operation of the cable temperature measurement system for 7 × 24 цаг. Тиймээс, it is necessary to equip a complete design of reliability measures to ensure the high reliability of system operation and fully consider the reliability requirements of key system applications.
Аюулгүй байдлын найдвартай механизм
Энэ систем нь хэд хэдэн аюулгүй шифрлэлтийн арга хэмжээг хэрэгжүүлдэг, суурилуулсан 64 битийн шифрлэлтийн алгоритм. Систем нь илүү өндөр хамгаалалттай бөгөөд мэдээлэл алдагдахаас, хулгайд алдахаас үр дүнтэй сэргийлж чадна, аюулгүй байдлыг хангах, нарийвчлал, болон системийн мэдээллийн бүрэн бүтэн байдал, хууль бус операторын үйл ажиллагаа, хууль ёсны операторын хууль бус үйл ажиллагаанаас урьдчилан сэргийлэх. A system may be used by multiple operators, and to ensure system security, hierarchical permission management is implemented. The system administrator authorizes operators with different usage permissions, and each operator can only perform various operations within the scope of permissions, resulting in higher system security.
Үйлдлийн интерфейс нь энгийн, нөхөрсөг, мөн өндөр ухаантай
The system provides most of the default data required during operation, and each operation conforms to the actual business workflow, avoiding repetitive operations by operators. Систем нь оролтын өгөгдлийн хууль ёсны байдлыг автоматаар шалгаж, операторын алдааны талаар ээлтэй сануулга өгдөг.
Reasonable system structure design, high degree of abstraction of program functional modules
It can be flexibly configured according to the changes in the actual situation of users and the various needs of different users, to maximize the satisfaction of user needs. There are various rate management and multi type table management functions for users to better use this system.
The system adopts a Web Service platform and a B/S architecture design, which is in line with the trend of application development.
Stable operation, reliable data, actual operation of thousands of systems, and over 200 new projects added each year.
Платформ нь ажиллахад хялбар, эзэмшихэд хялбар, мөн суулгах процесс нь энгийн. Шаардлагатай бол өгөгдлийг янз бүрийн тайланд автоматаар үүсгэж болно, удирдлагын үр ашгийг дээшлүүлэх.
Introduction to the installation of temperature measurement wiring for reactors
1.1 Бүтцийн хүрээ
Систем нь гурван хэсгээс бүрдэнэ: флюресцент шилэн кабелийн температур хянагч, флюресцент шилэн кабелийн датчик, болон шилэн кабелийн холбооны программ хангамж.
Reactor temperature measurement
Арын систем ба температур хэмжих терминалын хооронд өгөгдөл дамжуулах нь RS485 холбооны аргыг ашигладаг. Бүх мэдээлэл цуглуулах, удирдлага, болон температурын дэлгэцийг холбооны программ хангамжаар гүйцэтгэнэ, систем нь температурын хэмжилтийн мэдээлэл цуглуулах, хянах ажлыг голчлон гүйцэтгэдэг. Шилэн кабелийн температур хэмжих терминал нь олон сувгийн флюресцент оптик утаснуудыг нэгтгэдэг, гадаад RS485 харилцаа холбоог хангах, хөндлөнгийн эсрэг, зэврэлтэнд тэсвэртэй загвар.
The fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement terminal is embedded and installed in the box, and the outgoing fiber optic goes towards the upper part of the wall, which needs to exceed the height of the reactor. After passing through the epoxy resin pipe installed on the wall, the three fiber optic cables are combined and enter the B-phase reactor; The B-phase optical fiber is directly installed inside the inner airway wall of the reactor; A. The two phases of C are respectively introduced into the A-phase and C-phase reactors through overhead insulated epoxy resin pipes, and installed in the inner air duct wall of the reactor.
Application functions of fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system
Real time monitoring of fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system
Мэдээлэл цуглуулах нягтралыг хэрэглэгчийн хэрэгцээ шаардлагад нийцүүлэн тохируулж болно, мөн систем нь тогтоосон параметрүүд дээр үндэслэн өгөгдлийг тогтмол цуглуулах болно. Дараа нь, бодит цагийн хяналтад хүрэхийн тулд үүнийг хүснэгт хэлбэрээр эсвэл муруй хэлбэрээр харуулах болно. Тоног төхөөрөмжийн үйл ажиллагааны төлөв байдлын бодит цагийн хяналт; Бодит цагийн хяналт, реакторын температурыг бүртгэх.
Basic functions of fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system
1) Температурын мэдээллийн асуулга
Та тогтоосон огнооны температурын өгөгдлийг асууж болно, үзэх, хэвлэх, мөн Excel рүү экспортлох.
2) Түүхэн температурын өгөгдлийг хадгалах
3) Температурын мэдээллийг байнга бүртгэх
Safety Design of Fluorescent Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement System
The security of the system is crucial, therefore, in the design of the main station system, the security of the system should be fully considered to prevent unauthorized intrusion and leakage of confidential information. From the perspective of main station system security protection, the system provides security protection in both communication channels and system data.
Data security of fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system
Equipped with three-level security mechanisms at the operating system level, database level, and application software level.
Operating system level: Set different permission passwords on the network, non system administrators cannot operate servers and databases, and ensure system security and relative independence through routing, firewall, and other settings.
Database level: Set up demanders with different permissions and corresponding passwords in the database to ensure that unauthorized demanders cannot use data, and different demanders cannot use data beyond their level.
Application software level: Provides strict user login verification, permission control, and comprehensive management of event logs and operation records. System permission control includes functional permission control and data access permission control.
Function permission control:
The functional permission control system manages permissions from three dimensions: control objects, object operations, and operators. Based on this, it provides authorization methods for control object groups, operation groups, and operator roles. The accuracy of permission control can be determined to specific control objects and operators. The system determines the operation permissions of the login personnel based on these three dimensions.
The control objects of the system include system level nodes, terminal devices, гэх мэт. Each control object has corresponding operations, and each authorization includes three parts: a control object group, an operation or operation group, and an operator role. In order to simplify and facilitate permission management, the system provides control object group permission inheritance.
The system provides a hierarchical authorization mechanism, which enables the system to have the ability of distributed permission management and solves the problem of overly complex permission management.
Data access permissions:
The data access permission control mechanism adopts the security audit mechanism provided by the database, providing data access user control, and providing log auditing for all data operations.
The original database only has query functionality, and the applications used only operate on the application database to ensure data security.
The system can store electricity consumption data with time markers and various analytical application calculation data, with a storage time of more than 2 жил. Үүнээс гадна, the system has a powerful backup subsystem.
Detailed operation log records are available for all manual intervention data. The system design ensures high fault tolerance, and the database has three levels of data validation: field level, record level, and database level, ensuring the storage of illegal data.
Introduction to Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement Equipment for Reactors
1.1 Main features
The fluorescent fiber optic temperature controller is embedded installation. Энэхүү бүтээгдэхүүн нь өндөр хүчдэл гэх мэт тусгай орчинд температурыг хэмжих техникийн өвөрмөц давуу талтай, хүчтэй цахилгаан соронзон хөндлөнгийн оролцоо, гэх мэт. Флюресцент шилэн кабелийн температур мэдрэгчийн хэсэг болон хэмжилтийн дохиог хүлээн авах цэг нь цахилгаан холболтыг ашигладаггүй., өндөр нарийвчлалтай, удаан хугацаанд тогтвортой ажиллах боломжтой, түүний хэрэглээний хүрээг ихээхэн сайжруулж байна. Үүний зэрэгцээ, the fiber optic temperature controller effectively eliminates the hidden dangers of local temperature rise and overheating that may occur during the operation of the reactor, ultimately leading to the burnout and scrapping of the reactor, which is not conducive to the safe operation of the reactor. Шилэн кабелийн температур хянагч нь өндөр нарийвчлал, мэдрэмжтэй байдаг, өндөр даралтанд тэсвэртэй, алсаас хянах боломжтой, урт наслалттай, жижиг хэмжээтэй, багажийн засвар үйлчилгээг энгийн бөгөөд тохиромжтой болгодог, аюулгүй тээвэрлэлтийг баталгаажуулдаг. Its internal modular integrated design is aesthetically pleasing and reasonable.
1.2 Main functions
Can install an integrated multi-channel fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement and demodulation instrument;
LED digital tube touring display of reactor hot spot temperature;
Provide RS485 communication interface to connect with upper computer instruments and provide temperature acquisition and transmission;
Fan start stop function, providing a pair of fan control output contacts (AC220V, 10A);
Over temperature alarm function, over temperature trip function, temperature control fault alarm function, each providing a pair of normally open output dry contacts.