Çêkerê ji Sensorê Germahiya Fiber Optîk, Pergala Çavdêriya Germahiya, Karzan OEM / ODM Karxane, Wholesaler, Supplier.customized.

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Çima santralên elektrîkê ji bo pîvandina germahiyê pergalên senzorê yên fiber optîk ên fluorescent bikar tînin

Sensor germahiya fiber optîk, Pergala çavdêriya hişmendî, Li Chinaînê çêkerê fiber optîkê hatî belav kirin

Pîvana germahiya fiber optîk a florescent Amûra pîvandina germahiya fiber optîk a fluorescent Pergala pîvandina germahiya fiber optîk a floransê ya belavkirî

Why do power plants use fiber optic temperature control systems to measure temperature

A large number of high-voltage cables and control cables are distributed in cable trenches, cable trays, and cable interlayers inside the power plant. Various cables, especially high-voltage cables, can experience temperature rise due to excessive load and aging of cable joints. Germahiya zêde dikare bi hêsanî bibe sedema agir, leading to interruptions in power plant operations. The fire caused by cables laid in a centralized manner will have a wider impact, longer repair time, and greater losses. Each power plant urgently needs an online temperature measurement technology that can automatically collect the surface temperature of cables in real time, guheztinên germahiyê di wext û rast de bişopînin, û berî ku germahî pir zêde bibe hişyariyan dide, so that managers have sufficient time to take corresponding measures and avoid fires.

To this end, Fuzhou Huaguang Tianrui Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. timely developed a linear fiber optic temperature sensing fire detection system, which can monitor the temperature of cables in real time and provide early warning and alarm. Pergal rêbazek pîvandina germahiya pasîf a hemî fîberê dipejirîne, ji holê rakirina xetereyên ewlehiyê yên pergala çavdêriyê bixwe û pir başkirina hebûna pergala şopandinê ji bo çavdêriya germahiya hêzê. Ev pergala pîvandina germahiya fiber optîk ji hêla gelek santralên elektrîkê û pargîdaniyên dabînkirina hêzê ve tê bikar anîn, pir kêmkirina rûdana qezayên şewatê û bi rastî pêşîlêgirtinê berî ku çêbibe bi dest dixe, li gorî konsepta ewlehiyê ya “emniyet yekem, pêşîlêgirtinê ye” di pîşesaziya hêzê de.

Application of Fiber Optic Temperature Control System in the Power Industry

1. Amûrên hîskirina germahiyê li ber agir û teqînê ne.

Parçeya pîvandina germahiyê avahiyek hemî fiber digire, ku bi rastî çavdêriya germahiya pasîf pêk tîne. Ew nayê barkirin, germê çê nake, û dê ji ber bicihkirina pergala hîskirinê ti xetereyên ewlehiyê çênebe.

2. Rastbûna pîvana germahiya bilind û bersiva bilez.

The temperature resolution of the temperature measurement host is 0.1 ℃, and the temperature measurement accuracy is ± 1 ℃. The temperature detection time for a 4Km temperature measuring optical cable is about 4 seconds.

3. Dema rast çavdêriya serhêl.

Monitor the temperature of all measuring points of the high-voltage cables in the power plant continuously for 7×24 saetan, and regularly save the temperature measurement data to provide auxiliary data for the health monitoring of each high-voltage cable.

4. Distributed detection with no blind spots.

Real time monitoring can be carried out at every point within the range of temperature measuring optical cables, eliminating blind spots in monitoring and theoretically avoiding the possibility of missed fire alarms.

5. Kontrola alarmê ya dabeşkirina nerm.

Bi nermalava çavdêriyê ya li ser komputera jorîn, different temperature measurement sections can be partitioned and managed according to customer needs. Giştîve, every 100M optical cable is set as one partition. Set different alarm parameters for each partition, wek hişyariya germahiyê, hişyariya bilindbûna germê, alarm germê, û alarma bilindbûna germê, ji bo ku di navbera agirên rastîn û derewîn de bi awayekî rast cuda bikin, hişyariyên derewîn û kêmasiyan ji holê rakin.

6. Fonksiyona xwenaskirinê ya berfireh.

In this system, while detecting the temperature of each temperature measuring optical cable, it can also detect the working status of each temperature measuring optical cable in real time, such as additional losses caused by cable damage or bending, and accurately locate the location of the damage or bending. Through self inspection and diagnostic functions, real-time detection of fiber optic cable damage is carried out for timely repair and maintenance.

7. Taybetmendiyên nermalava hêzdar.

Nîşandana dema rast a cîhê, nirxên germê, û guhertinên germahiyê yên her devera çavdêriyê li ser pêwendiya mirov-makîne. When an alarm occurs, it can be linked with the alarm controller to activate the ventilation and cooling device or fire extinguishing device, and the monitoring software can also trigger the sound and light alarm on the software interface. Ger komputera jorîn bi modulek alarma SMS-ê ve girêdayî ye, agahdariya alarmê dikare ji têlefonên desta yên personelê destnîşankirî re were şandin da ku rêwergirtina biwext a xetereyên agir piştrast bike. Li ser komputera jorîn, Daneyên germahiya dîrokî û tomarên alarmê jî dikarin werin pirsîn da ku raporên operasyona ewlehiyê çêbikin.




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