Çêkerê ji Sensorê Germahiya Fiber Optîk, Pergala Çavdêriya Germahiya, Karzan OEM / ODM Karxane, Wholesaler, Supplier.customized.

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Meriv çawa bi trîstora IGBT-ê germahiyê bişopîne

Sensor germahiya fiber optîk, Pergala çavdêriya hişmendî, Li Chinaînê çêkerê fiber optîkê hatî belav kirin

Pîvana germahiya fiber optîk a florescent Amûra pîvandina germahiya fiber optîk a fluorescent Pergala pîvandina germahiya fiber optîk a floransê ya belavkirî

Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is widely used in various fields such as communication, transportation, and power, and is developing towards high voltage, high frequency, and high power. The high safety requirements of the above systems increase the reliability requirements of IGBT. Ji ber vê yekê, state monitoring and life prediction of IGBT are extremely important. There are many forms of IGBT failure, and temperature is the main factor causing its failure. Ji ber vê yekê, thermal analysis is an important part of IGBT state evaluation, and real-time measurement of IGBT junction temperature is of great significance for improving system reliability.

High voltage and high-power thyristors are key components of converter valves in ultra-high voltage or ultra-high voltage direct current transmission projects, and the health status of thyristors directly affects the safety and reliability of direct current transmission projects. During the operation of thyristors, aging is inevitable due to the combined effects of high voltage, high current, temperature, humidity, mechanical vibration, û radyasyonê, among other stresses. The performance parameters of thyristors also change with aging. A comprehensive understanding of the aging and parameter degradation laws of thyristors is of great significance for evaluating the state of thyristors, formulating scientific maintenance plans, and predicting the remaining life of thyristors.

As a low-voltage and high-voltage gate circuit, the normal operation of IGBT directly determines the working state of the electric compressor. IGBT failure is one of the main problems in the after-sales market of electric compressors for electric vehicles. The failure modes mainly include IGBT breakdown and short circuit, among which IGBT overcurrent and overheating are the main causes of its failure. Niha, most manufacturers add IGBT overcurrent protection (overload protection) and IGBT overheat protection to the compressor control strategy based on the failure mode of IGBT. Lebê, these protection strategies were not interrelated before, and IGBT may work for a long time under high current and high temperature, which undoubtedly reduces the service life of IGBT. Moreover, this protection method will limit the working current of IGBT, thereby limiting the power output of the motor.

With the continuous depletion of chemical energy and the intensification of environmental pollution, the market share of electric vehicles has been increasing year by year. As the core component of electric vehicles, the motor controller provides driving force for the entire vehicle. Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) plays an important role as the core component of its control part. Due to the high power of the driving motor used in electric vehicles and the harsh working environment, IGBT modules are required to handle large currents. This requires IGBT modules to have good heat dissipation capabilities and be able to withstand high operating temperatures.

Semiconductor power devices represented by IGBT are one of the core components of inverters and also one of the main heating components. Their thermal management is extremely important and greatly affects the lifespan of the devices and the usable life of the inverters. Heat mainly affects the lifespan of IGBT devices from two temperature aspects. Firstly, the allowable temperature. Currently, the maximum allowable temperature for industrial IGBT devices is mostly 150 ℃, with a small portion reaching 175 ℃. If the allowable temperature is exceeded, the reliability of the device cannot be guaranteed and it is easy to fail; The second is temperature fluctuation or temperature cycling, because IGBT devices contain multiple materials inside, and each material has a different thermal expansion rate. Temperature fluctuations cause the device to repeatedly expand and contract, and the degree of expansion and contraction of different materials varies. Frequent temperature fluctuations can lead to IGBT device failure due to thermal fatigue. IGBT devices allow temperature to be monitored in current inverters, and there is a certain margin in product design; Lebê, temperature fluctuations are often overlooked, and even when paying attention to temperature fluctuations, the main consideration is to avoid IGBT junction temperatures exceeding the allowable temperature during fluctuations, rather than focusing on temperature cycling life. This is because the thermal fatigue of devices caused by temperature fluctuations is closely related to the frequency and amplitude of fluctuations, and is a long-term accumulation process.

FJINNO provides a fluorescent Amûra pîvana germahiya fiber optîk that can directly achieve IGBT fiber optic temperature measurement, thyristor fiber optic temperature measurement, and thyristor fiber optic temperature measurement.




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