өндірушісі Талшықты-оптикалық температура сенсоры, Температураны бақылау жүйесі, Кәсіби OEM/ODM Зауыт, Көтерме сатушы, Жабдықтаушы.бағдарланған.

Электрондық пошта: fjinnonet@gmail.com |


Таратылған талшықты-оптикалық құбырдың ағу температурасын бақылау сенсоры, өндіруші, өндіруші

Талшықты-оптикалық температура сенсоры, Интеллектуалды бақылау жүйесі, Қытайда таралған талшықты-оптикалық өндіруші

Флуоресцентті талшықты-оптикалық температураны өлшеу Флуоресцентті талшықты-оптикалық температураны өлшейтін құрылғы Бөлінген флуоресцентті талшықты-оптикалық температураны өлшеу жүйесі

Distributed fiber optic sensors themselves have the characteristics of light weight, шағын өлшем, easy installation, жоғары сезімталдық, resistance to electromagnetic interference, коррозияға төзімділік, no electric sparks, and can achieve distributed and real-time online monitoring. They can replace traditional electrical sensors to complete strong electromagnetic interference, strong corrosiveness, distributed and real-time online temperature, vibration and other signal detection in long-distance environments. Соңғы жылдары, fiber optic sensing detection technology has been widely used in coal mine fire monitoring, tunnel fire monitoring, gas pipeline leakage detection and other fields. The application of distributed fiber optic temperature measurement technology in pipeline safety monitoring will have excellent prospects.

Principle of Distributed Fiber Optic Pipeline Leakage Temperature Measurement

After a pipeline leak occurs, the temperature near the leak site will change. Crude oil needs to be transported by heating. If there is a leak in the pipeline, the temperature around the leak point will increase; For gas pipelines, due to the Joule Thomson effect, the temperature around the leakage point of the gas pipeline will decrease. Осы мақсатта, FJINNO provides a distributed fiber optic temperature detection method based on spontaneous Raman scattering effect and optical time domain reflection principle for distributed and real-time online monitoring of pipeline safety, which determines whether the pipeline leaks based on changes in temperature at the leakage point.
Талшықты-оптикалық температураны өлшеу жүйесі monitors the safety status of pipelines based on the detection of temperature along the pipeline. In response to the detection requirements for small temperature changes caused by leaks along long-distance pipelines or large temperature changes caused by fires, it has been experimentally demonstrated that the system can achieve a temperature measurement accuracy of ± 1 ℃ within a temperature monitoring distance of 10km, with a temperature measurement range of -25 ℃~+200 ℃, a positioning accuracy of ≤ 2m, and a system dynamic response time of<3s. And it has been verified through on-site experiments that the system can quickly determine and accurately locate the location of pipeline leakage points or fire incidents. The proposal of this system can provide reference and guidance for distributed and real-time online safety monitoring and early warning of long-distance pipelines, and will have good application prospects in pipeline safety monitoring.

сипаттамалары Distributed Fiber Optic Pipeline Leakage Temperature Monitoring System

1. The outer packaging of the бөлінген талшықты-оптикалық температураны өлшеу жүйесі adopts armored optical cables, which are easy to construct and do not require later maintenance;

2. Comprehensive monitoring of the pipeline network without blind spots, real-time online 24/7, capable of simultaneous positioning of multiple monitoring points with high positioning accuracy;

3. The бөлінген талшықты-оптикалық температураны өлшеу жүйесі software can obtain the trend of changes in pipeline insulation effect through big data accumulation and intelligent analysis;

4: It has the advantages of real-time online, жоғары сезімталдық, high measurement accuracy, және жоғары сенімділік;

5: Оның өзіндік қауіпсіздігі бар, anti electromagnetic interference and lightning protection requirements, and strong environmental adaptability;

6: Suitable for remote real-time online monitoring;

7: Long lifespan and simple system.




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