Produsèn saka Sensor Suhu Serat Optik, Sistem Monitoring Suhu, Profesional OEM/ODM Pabrik, Grosir, Supplier.disesuaikan.

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Which is the best point type fiber optic temperature sensor

Sensor suhu serat optik, Sistem pemantauan cerdas, Produsèn serat optik mbagekke ing China

Pengukuran suhu serat optik fluoresensi piranti pangukuran suhu serat optik fluoresensi Sistem pangukuran suhu serat optik fluoresensi terdistribusi

Fiber optic sensing online monitoring technology has a series of advantages such as anti electromagnetic interference, long lifespan, small size, sensitivitas dhuwur, convenient photoelectric or electro-optical conversion, and multiplexing.

The fluorescent material used in fluorescent optical fibers emits fluorescent signals when exposed to excitation light. By utilizing the characteristics of fluorescent materials such as excitation spectrum, emission spectrum, and fluorescence lifetime, partial discharge monitoring and temperature monitoring of power equipment can be achieved. In partial discharge, the low light generated by partial discharge causes the fluorescent fiber to emit fluorescent signals. By receiving the fluorescent signals and performing photoelectric conversion, the partial discharge signals can be analyzed and processed.

In temperature monitoring, the most commonly used type is the fluorescence afterglow lifetime temperature sensor. The fluorescence afterglow begins to decay after the light excitation is removed, and the afterglow lifetime depends on the temperature of the object being measured. Temperature is an important operating parameter of power equipment and one of the most direct manifestations of equipment failure. The research hotspot of online monitoring of power systems is to obtain the operating status of power equipment by monitoring its temperature information.

Fiber optic temperature measurement methods are divided into point temperature monitoring and distributed temperature monitoring:
1. Point based temperature monitoring includes fiber optic grating temperature monitoring lan fluorescent fiber optic temperature monitoring, mainly used to monitor key abnormal parts in power equipment, including transformer windings, switchgear joints, circuit breakers, lsp;
2. Distributed temperature monitoring refers to the use of scattered distributed fiber optic sensors for monitoring, mainly used for comprehensive measurement of transmission line temperature.

Fluorescent fiber optic sensors can also be used to measure the internal temperature of transformers. Fluorescent fiber optic thermometers are used for transformer windings. The probe of the fluorescent material is inserted into the position inside the transformer that needs to be measured, and the temperature is detected by the relationship between the fluorescence lifetime and temperature. Compared with fluorescence intensity type temperature sensors, this method significantly reduces the impact of light source stability.

The point based temperature measurement, including fiber optic grating temperature sensors and fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors, is accurate enough to measure to a certain point, suitable for monitoring key parts of power equipment, and is not limited by the power of the light source. It is compact in size and has high sensitivity.

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