Sensor suhu serat optik, Sistem pemantauan cerdas, Produsèn serat optik mbagekke ing China
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Why do switch cabinets need fiber optic grating temperature sensing fire detection systems
The switchgear is a key equipment in the substation, and its internal switch contacts complete the execution of power dispatching. Due to excessive load, aging of contacts, and improper contact, the temperature of the contacts in switchgear can rise. Suhu sing berlebihan bisa gampang nyebabake kobongan, power supply failures, power outages, and personal and property losses. The current temperature measurement method in substations mainly uses handheld infrared thermometers to measure temperature, and conducts daily inspections of each switchgear to obtain temperature status information. Each substation urgently needs an online temperature measurement technology that can automatically collect the temperature of each contact in real time, ngawasi owah-owahan suhu kanthi pas wektune lan akurat, lan ngetokake bebaya sadurunge suhu dadi dhuwur banget, so that managers have sufficient time to take corresponding measures to avoid power outages and fires.
Fiber optic temperature sensing technology can develop a fiber optic grating temperature sensing fire detection system, which can monitor the temperature of switchgear in real time and provide early warning and alarm. Sistem kasebut nggunakake metode pangukuran suhu pasif kabeh sensing serat, ngilangi bebaya safety saka sistem ngawasi dhewe lan ningkatake kasedhiyan sistem ngawasi kanggo ngawasi suhu daya. Sistem pangukuran suhu serat optik iki digunakake dening akeh pembangkit listrik lan perusahaan sumber daya, banget nyuda kedadeyan kacilakan geni lan bener-bener entuk pencegahan sadurunge kedadeyan kasebut, selaras karo konsep safety saka “safety pisanan, orientasi pencegahan” ing industri daya.
What are the main functions of the fiber Bragg grating temperature measurement system host
1. Piranti sensor suhu tahan geni lan tahan bledosan.
Bagean pangukuran suhu nganggo struktur serat kabeh, kang saestu nyadari ngawasi suhu pasif. Iku ora dikenani biaya, ora ngasilake panas, lan ora bakal nyebabake bebaya safety amarga panyebaran sistem sensing.
2. Akurasi pangukuran suhu dhuwur lan respon cepet.
The temperature measurement host has high temperature resolution and high temperature measurement accuracy. The full channel scanning time is short, with a temperature detection time of about 2 seconds for 16 saluran.
3. Ngawasi online wektu nyata.
Monitor the temperature of all measuring points in the substation switchgear continuously for 7×24 jam, and regularly save the temperature measurement data to provide auxiliary data for the health monitoring of each switchgear.
4. Accurate spatial positioning.
Fiber Bragg grating temperature sensing corresponds to each measurement point position, and each sensor has global uniqueness. The upper computer monitoring software can accurately locate the location of the sensor that triggered the alarm.
5. Kontrol alarm partisi fleksibel.
Liwat piranti lunak ngawasi ing komputer ndhuwur, different temperature measurement points can be managed in different zones according to customer needs. Umume, the contacts inside the same switchgear are set as one zone. Set different alarm parameters for each temperature measurement point, kayata bebaya suhu, warning munggah suhu, weker suhu, lan weker kenaikan suhu, kanggo mbedakake kanthi bener antarane geni nyata lan palsu, ngilangi weker palsu lan ngilangi.
6. Fungsi diagnostik mandiri sing komprehensif.
Each temperature sensor in this system has wavelength uniqueness, and the system database can remember its precise location. At the same time as each temperature measurement, the system performs self testing and diagnosis to detect sensor faults in real time for timely repair and maintenance.
7. Fitur piranti lunak sing kuat.
Tampilan wektu nyata lokasi, nilai suhu, lan owah-owahan suhu saben area ngawasi ing antarmuka manungsa-mesin. Yen komputer ndhuwur dilengkapi modul weker SMS, informasi weker bisa dikirim menyang telpon seluler personel ditetepake kanggo mesthekake nangani pas wektune saka beboyo geni. Ing komputer ndhuwur, data suhu sajarah lan cathetan weker uga bisa takon kanggo generate laporan operasi safety.