Produsèn saka Sensor Suhu Serat Optik, Sistem Monitoring Suhu, Profesional OEM/ODM Pabrik, Grosir, Supplier.disesuaikan.

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Pengontrol Suhu Transformator Tipe Kering/Pengontrol suhu/

Pengontrol suhu kanggo trafo jinis garing ing transit rel

Pasokan daya kerja:AC 220 V; DC110V; DC220V; (-15%~+10%) (Multiple options available)

Working frequency:50Hz or 60Hz (± 2Hz) (AC working power supply)

Measuring range:-30.0 ºC~240 ºC

Resolving power:0.1 ºC

Akurasi pangukuran:±1% FS (temperature controller level 0.5; sensor level B)

Control error :≤ ± 0.5 ºC

Installation method:Embedded or wall mounted; (Customizable)

Tingkat Perlindhungan:IP54

Control contact capacity:5A/DC220V or 5A/DC110V or 5A/AC250V; (Customizable)

Fan contact capacity:5A/AC250V; (Customizable)

Temperature compensation range:-19.9 ºC~+19.9 ºC

Number of temperature measurement channels:3-7 routes;

Working environment temperature:-20 ºC~+55 ºC

Working environment humidity:<90%

Ukuran njaba:400*320*100mm(Customizable)

Supporting sensing cable length:Standard configuration of 4 meter (customizable)

  • Detail Produk
  • Pitakonan

The dry temperature controller for rail transit is a type of temperature controller specially designed for special fields such as subways, locomotives, aviation, lsp; The characteristics of this temperature controller are strong anti-interference ability, large output contact capacity, complete functions, LCD interface with illustrations, simple setting, and easy operation; Has reliable EMC and EMI performance. Our rail transit temperature sensors can be customized, using conventional PT100 temperature measurement or internationally leading fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement; Fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement completely cuts off the interference of temperature measurement components transmitted to the temperature controller from the temperature measurement source.


Product Characteristics

1. The protection level is IP54.
2. The contact output capacity is large.
3. The temperature controller uses an ARM architecture CPU with strong data processing capabilities and stable system performance.
4. Large screen LCD screen, digital and Chinese display, button operation, LED signal indication display.
The circuit board design concept of the temperature controller is modular design, with strong and weak electrical separation to avoid spatial crosstalk.
6. The temperature controller contains a clock chip, an external FLASH, customizable large capacity, and historical data storage with time markers.
7. Carrying communication function, the communication protocol is an internationally open standard protocol Modbus RTU or Profibus DP

basic function 1. Provide temperature measurement for three windings and one iron core; Automatic/manual start stop cooling fan function; Digital compensation function for display values of each channel; LCD display, LED display light, with operation keyboard; Provide clock function;
2. Provide a black box function that can record the temperature data of the last power outage and the highest historical temperature:
3. Provide transformer door cabinet point opening alarm function;
4. Provide 1 pair of over temperature alarm contacts (normally open);
5. Provide 3 pairs of over temperature trip contacts (normally open):
6. Provide 2 pairs of iron core trip contacts (normally open) (I function);
7. Provide 1 pair of temperature controller power-off alarm contacts (normally closed);
8. Provide 1 pair of temperature controller fault alarm contacts (normally open):
9. Provide 1 pair of spare contacts (normally open);
10. Provide RS485 communication function, communication with time markers, capable of receiving time synchronization, or MODBUS-RTU protocol (F function):
Additional features (customizable) 1. Provide 4 independent 4-20mA analog current output functions; (E function)
2. PTC nonlinear resistance sensing temperature measurement protection function; (C function)
3. The communication protocol can use methods such as Profibus, IEC60870-5-103, Ethernet communication, lsp;

tandard of Execution:
Standar produksi JB/T7631-2005Electronic temperature controller for Transformers”Standar industri
Adopsi standar akreditasi: ISO9001:2008Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu Internasional
Lulus standar tes: IEC61000-4:1995 standar internasional
GB/T17626-2008Electromagnetic compatibility test and measurement techniques”standar

Skenario aplikasi

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Istilah pembayaran: Kita nampa TT,30% simpenan lan 70% imbangan marang salinan BL.
Wektu pangiriman: Biasane bakal njupuk babagan 15-20 dina.
Standar paket: Biasane nggunakake kasus plywood kuwat kanggo pangayoman.
Logo kasebut: Yen sampeyan duwe jumlah apik, Ora ana masalah kanggo nindakake OEM.

Pasar kita: produk kita populer ing Indonesia, Filipina, Rusia, USA, Timur Tengah lan rauh. Sawetara wong-wong mau minangka pelanggan biasa lan sawetara sing berkembang. Muga-muga sampeyan bisa gabung lan entuk manfaat saka kerjasama kita..

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