Il produttore di Sensore di temperatura a fibra ottica, Sistema di monitoraggio della temperatura, Professionale OEM/ODM Fabbrica, Grossista, Fornitore. personalizzato.

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I vantaggi dell'utilizzo della misurazione della temperatura distribuita in fibra ottica nel sistema di monitoraggio online degli oleodotti

Sensore di temperatura in fibra ottica, Sistema di monitoraggio intelligente, Produttore distribuito di fibre ottiche in Cina

Misurazione della temperatura in fibra ottica fluorescente Dispositivo di misurazione della temperatura a fibra ottica fluorescente Sistema di misurazione della temperatura in fibra ottica a fluorescenza distribuita

L'importanza dei sistemi di monitoraggio delle condotte

In China, underground pipelines are indispensable material transportation facilities for important systems such as natural gas, olio, riscaldamento urbano, e gas. È di grande importanza per lo sviluppo dell'economia nazionale e per il trasporto di energia e materiali. Allo stesso tempo, Gli impianti di gasdotto hanno un investimento enorme e si trovano per lo più in trincee o sepolti sotto terra. Hanno un certo grado di occultamento nello spazio. Se sono danneggiati per motivi umani o naturali, è difficile rilevarli in modo tempestivo. La fuoriuscita di sostanze infiammabili ed esplosive comporta grandi rischi per la sicurezza. Se ciò provoca un incendio o un'esplosione, Porterà enormi perdite economiche, e causano anche vittime significative e disordini sociali.

Measurement of steam temperature in power plants

Temperature measurement in power plants generally uses thermocouple devices, which are installed on the measured pipeline through temperature sleeves. The temperature sleeves are welded to the pipeline in the form of fillet welds, forming a closed communication space between the sleeve and the pipeline. The thermocouple passes through the sleeve and is exposed in the steam flow field inside the pipeline to achieve the purpose of measuring steam temperature. During the operation of the unit, high-temperature and high-pressure steam flows in the pipeline, and the flow rate of superheated steam is generally 40-50m/s. Due to the presence of the casing, the high-speed steam will continue to flow into the closed steam flow channel of the casing. As one end of the flow channel is closed, steam will form vortices at the closed end, which will cause blow and erosion on the inner wall of the casing, resulting in a thinning of the inner wall thickness of the pipe seat. Especially near the weld seam at the top of the closed steam flow channel of the casing, the deformation of the flow channel caused by the weld seam forms turbulent flow. Pertanto, steam blow and erosion around the weld seam is particularly severe. In the actual operation of the unit, accidents of steam leakage caused by steam blow and erosion thinning of the casing often occur.

Fibra ottica distribuita temperature measurement system

Le Sistema di misurazione della temperatura in fibra ottica distribuita based on Raman reflection is a new type of fiber optic temperature measurement technology developed in recent years. It has the advantages of ranging, riusabilità, high resolution, non-destructive alarm, output optical signal, Anti Interferenze Elettromagnetiche, moisture-proof and anti-corrosion, and small error. Pertanto, it can be used for temperature measurement in harsh conditions such as strong electromagnetic fields, high voltage, alta corrente, flammable and explosive, and complex geometric environments. Due to the complexity and high economic cost of detecting defects caused by corrosion in oil pipelines in oil fields.

Distributed fiber optic sensing measurement technology

Distributed fiber optic sensing measurement is a technology that utilizes the principle of fiber optics to measure continuous lines. Fiber optic can serve as a sensing element and also a component for transmitting temperature. Fiber optic temperature measurement systems can continuously measure environmental parameters distributed along the entire length of the fiber, while obtaining the measured spatial distribution status and information that changes over time. If the optical fiber is laid along the pipeline as a sensing element, any point along the entire length of the optical fiber is a sensitive point, belonging to long-distance measurement. Theoretically, the sensing distance can be any length, the spatial resolution can be any size, the detection range is wide, and the characteristics of the optical fiber are not affected by electromagnetic interference, alta sensibilità, alta affidabilità, resistenza alla corrosione, small volume, and many other advantages. It can meet the real-time online warning monitoring of various situations along dozens of kilometers of pipelines.

FJINNO has independently developed an online monitoring system for oil pipelines based on a distributed fiber optic temperature measurement system. It can accurately judge various types of defects on the inner wall of oil pipelines without damaging the pipeline, and accurately locate the spatial location of defects. The monitoring system can measure and obtain parameters such as temperature, pressione, and fluid velocity. By inputting these parameters into the experimental data fitting formula, the wall thickness at the defect on the inner wall of the pipeline can be accurately calculated. The development of this monitoring system is of great significance for the safe operation of oil pipelines.

Fiber optic monitoring device for pipeline vibration

Fiber optic vibration sensors can monitor and analyze municipal pipelines such as natural gas in real-time, enabling the detection and early warning of natural gas pipeline infringement incidents and the detection and analysis of damage and leakage points.
Pipeline vibration fiber optic monitoring system, including fiber optic sensors, fiber optic temperature measurement host, sistema di monitoraggio, and alarm warning display screen, and so on; Fiber optic sensors are fixed to the pipeline, including fiber optic cables laid along the pipeline and clamps used for installing fiber optic cables and forming a fixed connection with the pipeline; The sensing device includes a vibration collector for monitoring the vibration of fiber optic cables and a fiber optic thermometer for monitoring the temperature changes of fiber optic cables; The vibration collector and fiber optic thermometer are both connected to the monitoring controller signal, which is connected to the warning device signal and transmits warning information and sends warning commands to the warning device.




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