Neach-dèanamh de Sensor Teòthachd Fibre Optic, Siostam sgrùdaidh teòthachd, Proifeiseanta OEM/ODM Factaraidh, Slàn-reicear, Supplier.customized.

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Fuasgladh airson siostam tomhais teòthachd fibre optic ann an tunailean rathaid

Sensor teòthachd fibre optic, Siostam sgrùdaidh tuigseach, Neach-dèanamh fibre optic air a chuairteachadh ann an Sìona

Tomhas teòthachd fluorescent fibre optic Inneal tomhais teòthachd flùraiseach fibre optic Siostam tomhais teòthachd fibre optic fluorescence sgaoilte

Fiber optic temperature measurement system for highway tunnels

The highway tunnel is a high-risk area for fires. Due to the tunnel being a closed and narrow space with high traffic volume and poor ventilation conditions, vehicle traffic accidents are prone to cause fires and spread quickly, posing a significant threat to the safety of vehicles, personnel, and equipment, resulting in huge casualties and property losses.

If the temperature inside the tunnel can be monitored in real time, an alarm can be given in a timely manner in case of a fire, and the highway management office can be notified to take effective measures to immediately implement traffic control, prevent vehicles from continuing to enter the tunnel, and evacuate vehicles that have entered or around the tunnel entrance in a timely manner. It can reduce the greater harm caused by fires and create space conditions and precious time for firefighters to extinguish them in a timely manner.

Uime sin, the linear fiber optic temperature sensing fire detection system produced by Fuzhou Innovation Electronic Science&Tech Co., Earr. monitors the internal temperature of the tunnel in real time and provides fire warning and alarm, which is crucial for tunnel fire monitoring.


Characteristics of fiber optic temperature control system for highways

1. Cruinneas tomhais teòthachd àrd agus freagairt luath.

Is e rùn teòthachd an aoigheachd tomhais teòthachd 0.1 ℃, agus is e cruinneas tomhais teòthachd ± 1 ℃. The temperature detection time for each channel is about 5 diogan.

2. Sgrùdadh air-loidhne fìor-ùine.

Monitor the temperature of the entire tunnel continuously for 7 × 24 uairean, and regularly save temperature measurement data to provide auxiliary data for health monitoring of highway tunnels.

3. Distributed detection without monitoring blind spots.

Real time monitoring can be carried out at every point within the range of temperature measurement optical cables, eliminating blind spots in monitoring and theoretically avoiding the possibility of missed fire reports.

4. Flexible zoning alarm control.

Through the monitoring software of the upper computer, faodar diofar earrannan tomhais teothachd a sgaradh agus a riaghladh a rèir feumalachdan luchd-cleachdaidh. Anns an fharsaingeachd, every 100M optical cable is set as a partition. Suidhich crìochan rabhaidh eadar-dhealaichte airson gach sgaradh, leithid rabhadh teòthachd, rabhadh àrdachadh teòthachd, inneal-rabhaidh teòthachd, agus inneal-rabhaidh àrdachadh teòthachd, gus eadar-dhealachadh ceart a dhèanamh eadar teintean fìor agus meallta, and eliminate false alarms and omissions.

5. Complete self diagnostic function.

Anns an t-siostam seo, fhad ‘s a lorgar teòthachd gach teòthachd a’ tomhas càball optigeach, is urrainn dha cuideachd inbhe obrach gach teodhachd a’ tomhas càball optigeach a lorg ann an àm fìor, leithid call a bharrachd air adhbhrachadh le milleadh càball no lùbadh, agus suidhich gu ceart far a bheil am milleadh no an lùbadh. Through self detection and diagnostic functions, real-time detection of fiber optic cable damage facilitates timely repair and maintenance.


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