Ο κατασκευαστής του Αισθητήρας θερμοκρασίας οπτικών ινών, Σύστημα παρακολούθησης θερμοκρασίας, Επαγγελματίας OEM/ODM Εργοστάσιο, Χονδρέμπορος, Προμηθευτής.customized.

Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο: fjinnonet@gmail.com |


distributed fiber optic temperature sensor for Cable Tunnels

Αισθητήρας θερμοκρασίας οπτικών ινών, Έξυπνο σύστημα παρακολούθησης, Κατανεμημένος κατασκευαστής οπτικών ινών στην Κίνα

Μέτρηση θερμοκρασίας φθορισμού οπτικών ινών Συσκευή μέτρησης θερμοκρασίας οπτικών ινών φθορισμού Κατανεμημένο σύστημα μέτρησης θερμοκρασίας οπτικών ινών φθορισμού

The smart grid of the power system includes power plants, δίκτυα υψηλής τάσης, Υποσταθμών, Σταθμοί διανομής, κλπ., specifically including generators, Μετασχηματιστές, καλώδια τροφοδοσίας, switches and other power equipment. Power equipment usually operates in environments such as high voltage, ισχυρά ηλεκτρικά πεδία, and heat loads, και το εργασιακό περιβάλλον είναι μη επανδρωμένο και μη ελεγχόμενο. As an engineering infrastructure, the smart grid involves the electricity needs of thousands of households, and the operating temperature of power equipment is an important factor in ensuring the safe operation of the smart grid. Whether it is transformers, καλώδια τροφοδοσίας, or other power equipment, ως σημαντικά στοιχεία του συστήματος ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας, they may cause local overheating or arc sparks due to some circuit problems or external factors, leading to fires and causing losses to people’s production and life. Επομένως, in order to avoid such a malignant event, Είναι επείγον να διεξαχθεί ολοκληρωμένη παρακολούθηση της θερμοκρασίας του εξοπλισμού ισχύος. The environmental temperature and cable operation status of cable tunnels used to accommodate a large number of cables laid on cable supports in corridors or tunnel structures can only be detected when faults occur. The longer the operation time, the more prone it is to overheating and burning accidents, which may cause huge economic losses.

With the increasing deployment of power and communication in tunnels, fiber optic cables are mostly laid underground. During the long-term use of fiber optic cables, temperature monitoring is required to prevent serious safety accidents such as fires due to high temperatures. Through long-term monitoring and analysis of temperature, many information about fiber optic temperature can be obtained. Επομένως, whether temperature can be monitored for a long time, continuously, and accurately largely determines the accuracy and timeliness of temperature warning and alarm.

If point temperature measurement is used, it is prone to electromagnetic interference and is not suitable for strong electromagnetic scenarios, while αισθητήρες θερμοκρασίας οπτικών ινών are not affected by electromagnetic interference and are very suitable for temperature monitoring in power systems. Fiber optic temperature sensors include single point temperature sensors and quasi distributed fiber optic temperature sensors. A single point temperature sensor measures a certain point in the temperature field with high measurement accuracy and reliability, but it is difficult to measure the distribution of multiple points in the temperature field. To solve the measurement problem of multi-point distribution of temperature field, a quasi distributed fiber optic temperature sensor composed of a multiplexed fiber optic temperature sensor and an array of fiber optic temperature sensors has emerged. The quasi distributed fiber optic temperature sensor uses a single point fiber optic sensor array to form a spatial network distribution to achieve distributed fiber optic temperature measurement. The measurement accuracy and speed may be affected due to resolution, bandwidth, or spatial structure, making it difficult to accurately measure and locate temperature.

Distributed fiber optic temperature sensing for tunnel cables

The purpose and principles of designing a distributed fiber optic fire alarm system
(1) Purpose: In order to detect and report fires early, prevent and reduce fire hazards, ensure normal production and life, protect personal and property safety, important large buildings and high-rise building clusters must consider designing and installing automatic fire alarm systems.
(2) Principles: Safe and reliable, easy to use, advanced technology, and economically reasonable.

The characteristics of tunnel cables

Industrial cable tunnels are composed of a large number of cables laid together, suitable for long-distance transmission of electrical energy. Cable is an important power transmission equipment, and the production of modern industrial enterprises cannot be separated from electricity, and the transmission of electricity is completed by a large number of cables. It is a bridge to ensure the normal operation of industrial enterprises; It is the reserve force for the survival of industrial enterprises; It is an important component of the lifeline of industrial enterprises.

Prediction of tunnel cable fire faults

According to the analysis of power accidents, cable overheating faults can cause fires, leading to extensive cable burning and forced shutdown, making it impossible to resume normal production and life in a short period of time, causing significant economic losses and social impact. Through the analysis of accidents, it is found that overheating of cable joints is the direct cause of cable fires, and overheating of cable joints is caused by loose compression joints, oxidation of joints, κλπ., which leads to excessive contact resistance. Long term high-temperature operation causes insulation to decrease and breakdown, ultimately leading to the occurrence of cable fires. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of cable overheating faults, an effective method to prevent cable overheating and fire is to timely monitor the temperature of cable joints, analyze the aging degree of cable joints based on the trend of joint temperature changes, and issue an alarm before the actual failure of cable joints occurs.




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