የፋይበር ኦፕቲክ ሙቀት ዳሳሽ, ብልህ የክትትል ስርዓት, በቻይና ውስጥ የተከፋፈለ የፋይበር ኦፕቲክ አምራች
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DTS temperature detector pipeline leakage detection system
የቧንቧ መስመር ዝርጋታ እንደ ኢኮኖሚ ያሉ ብዙ ጥቅሞች አሉት, ቅልጥፍና, ደህንነት, እና መረጋጋት, እና እንደ ዘይት ያሉ ፈሳሾችን በማጓጓዝ ላይ ይተገበራል, የተፈጥሮ ጋዝ, እና ውሃ. በማህበራዊ ኢኮኖሚ እና ቴክኖሎጂ ቀጣይነት ያለው እድገት, የቧንቧ መስመር ዝርጋታ በስፋት ጥቅም ላይ ውሏል. እንደ ፔትሮሊየም ባሉ የኢንዱስትሪ መስኮች ውስጥ የቧንቧ መስመሮች በስፋት ጥቅም ላይ ይውላሉ, የብረታ ብረት ስራዎች, የከተማ የውሃ አቅርቦት, እና የተፈጥሮ ጋዝ. የቧንቧ መስመር ደህንነት ጥበቃ ጉዳይ በሰዎች ፊት ጎልቶ እየታየ ነው።. የቧንቧ መስመሮች ዓመቱን ሙሉ ከመሬት በታች ተቀብረዋል እና ለዝገት የተጋለጡ ናቸው, ድካም መጎዳት, ወይም መፍሰስ, ከፍተኛ ኢኮኖሚያዊ ኪሳራ ከማስከተሉም በላይ አካባቢን ይበክላል. ስለዚህ, studying effective pipeline leak detection techniques is extremely important for ensuring safe transportation of pipelines.
ፍሳሽ መከሰቱን ለማወቅ በቧንቧ ዙሪያ ያለውን የሙቀት መጠን መለካት በአሁኑ ጊዜ በብዛት ጥቅም ላይ የዋለ ዘዴ ነው።. ቢሆንም, ባህላዊ የሙቀት መለኪያ ነጠላ ነጥብ መለኪያ ዘዴ ነው, እና የቧንቧ መስመር ሁኔታን መከታተል ብዙ ቁጥር ያላቸውን የሙቀት ዳሳሾች መዘርጋት ይጠይቃል, በግንባታ እና ጥገና ላይ ችግርን ያመጣል. የፋይበር ኦፕቲክ የተከፋፈለ የሙቀት መለኪያ ስርዓት በቅርብ ዓመታት ውስጥ የቦታ ሙቀት ስርጭትን በእውነተኛ ጊዜ ለመለካት የዳሰሳ ስርዓት ነው።. ፋይበር ኦፕቲክ ሁለቱም የማስተላለፊያ እና የማስተላለፊያ ዘዴ ነው።, እና የኋለኛው የራማን መበታተን የሙቀት ተጽእኖ የቃጫውን የሙቀት መጠን በእውነተኛ ጊዜ ለመለካት ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል; የኦፕቲካል ጊዜ-ጎራ ነጸብራቅ ቴክኖሎጂ አጠቃቀም የመለኪያ ነጥቦችን በትክክል ማግኘት ይችላል።. ይህ ስርዓት የሙቀት መስክ ስርጭትን በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ረጅም ርቀት ሊለካ ይችላል. በኦፕቲካል ፋይበር አነስተኛ መጠን ምክንያት, የመለኪያ ሂደቱ የመጀመሪያውን የሙቀት መስክ ስርጭትን አይጎዳውም. በተመሳሳይ ሰዓት, በተጨማሪም የእሳት ነበልባል መከላከያ ባህሪያት አሉት, ፍንዳታ መከላከል, የዝገት መቋቋም, እና የኤሌክትሮማግኔቲክ ጣልቃገብነት መቋቋም. ስለዚህ, የኦፕቲካል ፋይበር የተከፋፈለ የሙቀት መለኪያ ስርዓት በቧንቧ መስመር ዝቃጭ መቆጣጠሪያ ቴክኖሎጂ መስክ ጥሩ የትግበራ ተስፋዎች አሉት.
የ fiber optic distributed temperature measurement system based on Raman scattering technology is currently widely used as a pipeline leakage monitoring system, which can measure long-distance pipeline routes. With the development of የተከፋፈለ ፋይበር ኦፕቲክ temperature measurement (DTS) technology in the petroleum industry, DTS has been able to achieve the following in the petroleum industry: measuring temperature profiles, identifying production fluids, determining the position of liquid and gas outlet, monitoring the working status of gas lift valves, and judging the judgment
Multiple applications such as crack location. The main principle of DTS technology is to use the reflection principle of optical fibers and the temperature sensitivity of reverse Roman scattering of optical fibers, relying on the quantitative relationship between the propagation of light in the optical fiber and the temperature changes around the optical fiber medium to determine the temperature at the location of the optical fiber medium. Due to its characteristics of anti electromagnetic interference, የዝገት መቋቋም, ከፍተኛ ትክክለኛነት, real-time monitoring of temperature, stable signal, እና ዝቅተኛ ወጪ, DTS technology is suitable for underground temperature profile monitoring in the petroleum industry.
DTS temperature measurement system
With the rapid development of fiber optic technology, the application of DTS temperature measurement system in the field of fire alarm has become increasingly mature. It is based on fiber optic Raman scattering technology, combined with advanced technologies such as high-frequency pulse laser, optical wavelength division multiplexing, optical time-domain reflection, high-frequency signal acquisition, and weak signal processing. It is mainly used in the chemical industry for cable tray and cable temperature measurement, storage tank temperature measurement, cable tunnel temperature measurement, coal conveyor belt temperature measurement, ወዘተ. Although it has been applied to coal bunker ground temperature measurement, it has not been perfectly achieved due to various factors. The problems encountered in traditional coal bunker ground temperature measurement design are mainly construction difficulties, incomplete detection coverage areas, and extremely difficult maintenance and operation in the later stage.
DTS temperature measurement systems generally have types such as 1, 2, 4, እና 8 ቻናሎች, with a measurement distance of 2km/4km/10km, ወዘተ. The most suitable model is selected based on the size of the detection area and the distance to the host. If the distance between the terminal in the tested area and the host exceeds the measurement distance, it can be divided into two channels; The positioning accuracy of the DTS temperature measurement system can reach 1m, and the length of each detection zone can be defined based on the size of the detected coal bin. Finally, the real-time temperature of each zone will be displayed on the DTS host. Once the preset temperature value is exceeded, the host will alarm, prompt staff to conduct on-site inspection and confirmation, and take corresponding measures to curb the occurrence of fires.