አምራቹ የ የፋይበር ኦፕቲክ ሙቀት ዳሳሽ, የሙቀት መቆጣጠሪያ ስርዓት, ፕሮፌሽናል OEM/ODM ፋብሪካ, ጅምላ ሻጭ, አቅራቢ.የተበጀ.

ኢ-ሜይል: fjinnonet@gmail.com |


How to use fiber optic temperature sensors to measure temperature in reactors

የፋይበር ኦፕቲክ ሙቀት ዳሳሽ, ብልህ የክትትል ስርዓት, በቻይና ውስጥ የተከፋፈለ የፋይበር ኦፕቲክ አምራች

የፍሎረሰንት ፋይበር ኦፕቲክ ሙቀት መለኪያ የፍሎረሰንት ፋይበር ኦፕቲክ የሙቀት መለኪያ መሳሪያ የተከፋፈለ የፍሎረሰንስ ፋይበር ኦፕቲክ የሙቀት መለኪያ ስርዓት

With the continuous development of industry, people’s demand for energy is constantly increasing. Traditional non renewable energy can no longer meet the needs of modern people, and environmental pollution caused by traditional energy is also one of its drawbacks. ስለዚህ, people are constantly seeking cleaner renewable energy sources. Photovoltaic power generation, as a mature new energy technology, is widely used. The indispensable equipment in photovoltaic power transmission is called a box type substation, abbreviated as a box type substation. There are a large number of lines and other equipment in the box type substation, so short circuits or other situations often occur, leading to local burning or even fires in the box type substation. ስለዚህ, box type substations are generally equipped with temperature control devices;

ቢሆንም, general temperature detection devices are not easy to disassemble, which affects maintenance effectiveness. በተመሳሳይ ሰዓት, during the detection process, blind spots are prone to occur, leading to local fires and temperature increases that cannot be detected in a timely manner. FJINNO ያቀርባል fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system for box type transformer substations.

With the continuous development of fiber optic sensing technology, fiber optic materials have good oxidation resistance, electromagnetic properties, እና የዝገት መቋቋም, low installation costs, no need for regular maintenance, and long working life. ስለዚህ, fiber optic sensing technology is widely used in power systems, tunnel mining, and transportation fields.

Reactors are essential equipment in power systems, used to compensate for the reactive capacity of the power system and reduce dynamic voltage. ከነሱ መካከል, dry-type air core reactors are commonly used reactors, which have the advantages of low loss, low noise, good linearity of reactance value, long design life, and simple maintenance. This device mainly limits the closing inrush current, short-circuit current, stray capacitance current, and filtering in the system.

During the operation of the reactor, due to impurities in the coil wires or poor insulation of the non-woven glass ribbon sealed with epoxy resin, the reactor may experience local temperature rise and overheating, ultimately leading to reactor burnout and causing serious losses to the power system. Due to the inability of traditional sensing temperature measurement systems to accurately measure the temperature field of reactors, only fluorescent fiber temperature measurement systems can be used to monitor the temperature of reactors.





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