דער פאַבריקאַנט פון פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור סענסאָר, טעמפּעראַטור מאָניטאָרינג סיסטעם, פאַכמאַן OEM / ODM פאַבריק, כאָולסיילער, סאַפּלייער.קאַסטאַמייזד.

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The best manufacturer of fiber optic grating temperature sensors

פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור סענסער, ינטעליגענט מאָניטאָרינג סיסטעם, פונאנדערגעטיילט פיברע אַפּטיק פאַבריקאַנט אין טשיינאַ

פלורעסאַנט פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט פלורעסאַנט פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט מיטל פונאנדערגעטיילט פלואָרעססענסע פיברע אַפּטיק טעמפּעראַטור מעזשערמאַנט סיסטעם

In the current situation of power equipment, such as transformer temperature measurement, electrical sensors (such as platinum resistors) are mainly used. One wire is connected to one sensor, and the signal is an electrical signal, which is easily affected by strong electricity and strong magnetism. It is also limited to use in flammable, explosive and other situations; In power applications with strong electromagnetic interference and high insulation requirements, FJINNO’s independently developed fiber optic temperature measurement system has been widely used in various temperature measurement fields.

What are the advantages of fiber optic grating sensors

As a type of passive fiber optic device, fiber Bragg gratings have advantages such as resistance to electromagnetic interference, high temperature, און קליין גרייס. Fiber Bragg grating sensors mainly use fiber Bragg gratings, and the sensor signal made of fiber Bragg gratings is wavelength modulated, with strong anti-interference ability. The measurement signal is not affected by factors such as fiber loss, light source fluctuations, and detector aging. It is easy to combine wavelength division multiplexing technology to form a fiber Bragg grating sensing network, achieving distributed multi-point real-time online sensing. It is widely used in the measurement of physical quantities such as temperature, שפּאַנונג, און דרוק. Temperature measurement is one of the most important applications of fiber optic grating sensors. Electronic temperature sensors such as thermocouple sensors and thermistor sensors have disadvantages such as poor resistance to electromagnetic interference, poor stability, and slow response speed. They are suitable for narrow environments and cannot be used in harsh environments. Fiber optic grating temperature sensors have advantages such as high sensitivity, small size, resistance to electromagnetic radiation, strong stability, and long signal transmission distance, making them suitable for a wide range of environments.

What are the characteristics of fiber optic grating temperature sensors

Fiber Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor is a sensor that detects temperature by the central wavelength shift of the reflected light signal from the internal sensitive elementthe fiber Bragg grating. Installation structures with different packaging options such as surface, עמבעדיד, און טבילה. רעכט צו דעם פאַקט אַז פיברע אַפּטיק גרייטינג טעמפּעראַטור סענסאָרס נוצן ליכט כוואליעס צו אַריבערפירן אינפֿאָרמאַציע, און אָפּטיש פייבערז זענען ילעקטריקלי ינסאַלייטיד און קעראָוזשאַן-קעגנשטעליק טראַנסמיסיע מידיאַ, they are not afraid of strong electromagnetic interference and do not affect the external electromagnetic field. דאָס מאכט זיי באַקוועם און עפעקטיוו פֿאַר מאָניטאָרינג אין פאַרשידן גרויס-וואָג עלעקטראָמעטשאַניקאַל, פּעטראָוקעמיקאַל, מעטאַלערדזשיקאַל הויך-דרוק, שטאַרק ילעקטראָומאַגנעטיק ינטערפיראַנס, ברענעוודיק, יקספּלאָוסיוו, און העכסט קעראָוסיוו ינווייראַנמאַנץ, מיט הויך רילייאַבילאַטי און פעסטקייַט. דערצו, די מעזשערמאַנט רעזולטאטן פון פיברע אַפּטיק גרייטינג טעמפּעראַטור סענסאָרס האָבן גוט ריפּיטאַביליטי, making it easy to form various forms of fiber optic sensing networks and can be used for absolute measurement of external parameters. Multiple gratings can also be written into a single optical fiber to form a sensing array, אַטשיווינג קוואַזי פונאנדערגעטיילט מעזשערמאַנט.

Fiber optic grating sensors not only have the advantages of ordinary fiber optic sensors, such as electromagnetic resistance, קעראָוזשאַן קעגנשטעל, high temperature resistance, no electricity, no heat generation, flame resistance, explosion-proof, ליכט וואָג, small volume, and safe operation in harmful or dangerous environments, but also have unique advantages: fiber optic sensors are easy to couple and have low coupling loss; Strong anti-interference ability, integrating sensing and transmission, and having stronger multiplexing ability, making it easy to form a sensing network; It has a wide range of measurement objects and is easy to achieve multi parameter sensing measurement.

Application Fields of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors

Fiber optic grating sensors have various installation methods, such as surface mounted and embedded, and can be widely used for distributed temperature monitoring and measurement of civil engineering structures such as bridges, דאַמז, טאַנאַלז, as well as quasi distributed accurate temperature measurement of large facilities or equipment in the fields of chemical, מאַכט, military, אַעראָספּאַסע, fire protection, mining, אאז"ו ו. They can also be used for temperature sensing fire detection and automatic alarm in oil tanks and highway tunnels.




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