Produsén tina Sénsor Suhu serat optik, Sistim pangimeutan suhu, Profésional OEM / ODM Pabrik, Grosir, Supplier.customized.

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Produsén tipe zone serat optik parabot Geter

sénsor suhu serat optik, Sistim ngawaskeun calakan, Produsén serat optik disebarkeun di Cina

Pangukuran suhu serat optik fluoresensi Alat ukur suhu serat optik fluoresensi Sistem pangukuran suhu serat optik fluoresensi disebarkeun

The vibration fiber optic single zone host integrates the transmission and reception of fiber optic signals, as well as the display and processing of received signals, and the accurate alarm of intrusion signals. It combines various functions into one, making the single device more powerful. There is no need to purchase external equipment to detect the situation of the zone, reducing the cost of protection and improving the efficiency of post-processing of intrusion signal alarms.

Since the development of vibration detection sensing technology, corresponding sensing testing methods and types are constantly being updated and matured. In actual production and use, there is an increasing demand for the types and accuracy of measurements, which has led to the emergence of new products, high-quality, and multifunctional testing equipment. Traditional testing methods and methods are constantly being overturned, and various analyzers, fiber optic vibration sensors, jsb. have been widely used. Sensitivity has also made a qualitative leap on the basis of the original.

Using optical cables as sensing and detection units, they change the phase of the light propagating within the optical fiber through the action of the measured physical quantity. Then, interference measurement technology is used to convert the phase change into a change in light intensity, thereby detecting the measured physical quantity. This can demodulate the vibration caused by intruders and transform it into a phase change of transmitted light, achieving accurate positioning of the vibration source. It has broad application prospects and can achieve high sensitivity and large-scale perimeter security.

Kalayan éksplorasi kontinyu sareng pamekaran téknologi serat optik dina dékade katukang, Deteksi serat optik sareng sistem alarem nganggo sensing serat optik salaku metode deteksi laun-laun dewasa sareng stabil.. Dibandingkeun sareng téknologi deteksi alarem tradisional, eta boga loba kaunggulan kayaning lalawanan ka gangguan gelombang éléktromagnétik, applicability lega, sensitipitas tinggi, sumputkeun luhur, sareng kamampuan anti gangguan anu kuat. Éta parantos dilarapkeun kana sistem kaamanan sareng pencegahan bandara, gudang penting, panjara, ngabiayaan, jeung wangunan luhur-tungtung.

Téknologi kaamanan tradisional kalebet nargetkeun infra red, deteksi laser, induksi éléktrostatik, jsb., sakabéh nu boga kalemahan stabilitas sistem goréng, watesan instalasi, jeung alarm palsu tinggi jeung ongkos alarem palsu.
Panjagaan pidéo, salaku padika ngawaskeun anu populer pisan ayeuna, sanajan bisa ngawas sarta ngumpulkeun bukti keur intrusions, eta boga kalemahan laju alarem palsu tinggi na merlukeun staf janten on tugas 24 jam sapoé. Serat optik pager perimeter alat deteksi intrusion ngagunakeun sensor serat optik salaku tipe anyar ukuran kaamanan pikeun deteksi intrusion., nu ngabogaan loba kaunggulan kayaning full pasif, gangguan anti éléktromagnétik, lalawanan insulasi alus, concealment alus, jeung kamampuhan pikeun ngahontal deteksi skala badag. Sanajan kitu, some existing intrusion detection devices have outdated technology, high false alarm rates, and cannot accurately identify external disturbances, resulting in low levels of intelligence.

FJINNO provides an intelligent fiber optic vibration anti intrusion warning system, which solves the problems of manual intervention and high false alarm rate in existing technologies for security warning systems. It achieves high automation and low false alarm rate.

The distributed fiber optic vibration intrusion alarm system for defense zones is an intrusion alarm system independently developed by FJINNO. The system is based on advanced laser interference technology and fiber optic vibration sensing technology. The sensing optical cable is installed in fences, underground or on walls. The vibration caused by intruders climbing and entering will change the mode of transmission light. After analysis and processing by the signal processing unit, an alarm signal will be sent to the user.

The anti zone fiber optic vibration equipment series products are regional alarm systems. The device adopts a modular structure, which can be used independently with a single module or for multi module networking. The protection range of each defense zone is determined based on the on-site situation, and alarm parameters can be set separately for different defense zones;

The zone type fiber optic vibration sensing monitoring system adopts advanced signal processing technology and intelligent algorithms, which can eliminate false alarms caused by environmental factors such as small animals, wind, rain, and other non-invasive events.




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