Dareemaha heerkulka Fiber optic, Nidaamka la socodka caqliga, Soo saaraha fiber optic-ga ee loo qaybiyay Shiinaha
Marka la rakibayo oo la habaynayo heerkulka dareemayaasha fiilooyinka indhaha, fiiro gaar ah waa in la siiyaa tilmaamaha rakibaadda faahfaahsan ee qorshaha tignoolajiyada cabbiraadda heerkulka fiber optic. Nidaamka cabbiraadda heerkulka fibre optic ee la qaybiyey waa in uu la xidhiidhaa FJINNO si aad u codsato xalal farsamo oo gaar ah.
Shuruudaha farsamada ee rakibaadda fiilooyinka indhaha ee dareemayaasha heerkulka
Go'aami qaabka fiber optic-ga iyo qeexitaannada si waafaqsan shuruudaha nidaamka, fiiri muuqaalka fiber optic-ga, iyo in ay xaqiijiyaan tilmaamayaasha farsamada ee shahaadadda waafaqsanaanta; Ku kaydi heerkulka dareemayaasha fiilooyinka indhaha ee saxaarad fiilada toosan si aad uga fogaato waxyeellada fiber-ka; Marka la dhigayo fiilooyinka indhaha, ul dhuuban waa in lagu dhex mushaaxiyaa dhexda dunta fiilada, iyo gariiradda fiilada waa in si siman loo dhigaa si fiilooyinka indhaha loogu oggolaado inay wareegaan oo ay dul saaraan gariiradda; Dhamaadka martigeliyaha, soo saar fiilada fiber optic 20m oo ku duub goobaabin yar oo dhexroorkeedu yahay 15cm; Marka fiilada indhaha ay soo marto gidaarada ama tuubooyinka, looma ogola in ay waxyeeleyso ogaanshaha fiber optic-ga. Haddii dhuumaha ay maraan fiber-ka indhaha ayaa aad u dheer, waa lagama maarmaan in la hubiyo in fiilooyinka indhaha ee badan ay mar qura maraan, iyo fiilooyinka indhaha ee badan looma oggola inay u gudbaan marxalado; Wareegga qalloocan ee fibbarka indhaha ee heerkulku waa inaanu ka yarayn 30mm; Marka la dhigo fiilooyinka indhaha, lama ogola in si xoog leh loo maroojiyo, kala bixin, ama saameeya fiilooyinka, and it is necessary to ensure that the fibers are intact and undamaged. When inserting flexible cables into optical fibers, the protective cap should be placed on the end face of the connector to provide protection; Marka la dhigo fiilooyinka indhaha, it is necessary to leave 1 meter of fiber every 100 meters to avoid fiber damage; Each fiber optic wiring should leave a testing section, which is 20m fiber optic. An appropriate number of testing sections should be reserved according to the actual situation for system debugging.
Cable trench and cable corridor temperature sensing fiber optic construction, installation, and wiring
Lay temperature sensing optical fibers along the tested high-voltage cable and fix them on the high-voltage cable with flame-retardant ties. Haddii ay lagama maarmaan tahay in lala socdo isbeddelka heerkulka ee fiilooyinka badan ee korantada sare isku mar, Habka xargaha S-qaabeeya ayaa loo qaadan karaa heerkulka dareemayaasha fiber indhaha si sare loogu qaado daboolida cabbirka heerkulka loona badbaadiyo isticmaalka heerkulka dareemayaasha walxaha fiber indhaha.. In dareenka heerkulka Fiber optic fiilooyinka fiilooyinka fiilooyinka iyo marinnada fiilada, waa lagama maarmaan in laga fogaado dhaawaca dibadda ee dareenka heerkulka fiber optic, Hubi in fiber optic-gu uu yahay mid sax ah oo aan waxyeelo gaarin, iyo in la hubiyo in fiber optic-gu uu si sax ah u dareemi karo heerkulka iyo macluumaadka calaamadaha; Sababtoo ah xaqiiqda ah in fiilooyinka indhaha ee dareemayaasha heerkulka ay ka tirsan yihiin alaabta quartz, it is necessary to control the wiring curvature of temperature sensing optical fibers to ensure that their arc diameter is greater than 5cm, and to avoid reducing the accuracy of fiber optic temperature measurement due to too small an arc; Before installing the temperature measurement fiber optic connector, it is necessary to check whether the connector is clean and carry out construction in the order of laying the fiber optic cable first and then installing the connector.
The application of temperature sensing fiber optic system in high-voltage switchgear
The main sensing element of the cable optical fiber temperature measurement system is the temperature sensing optical fiber, which is equipped with non-metallic protective materials in the sensor housing and insulated thermal conductive ceramics are installed at the bottom of the sensor. By optimizing the design of the sensing components within the system, the high temperature resistance performance of the sensor can be improved, the volume of the sensor can be reduced, and it can be smoothly installed in the temperature monitoring area of the high-voltage switchgear.
How to install the fiber optic temperature measurement system for high-voltage switchgear cables
1. Fiber optic integration into cable trench
The temperature sensing optical fiber of the cable optical fiber temperature measurement system should be equipped with a silicone sheath, and the optical fiber itself is made of multi-mode quartz material, which enhances the insulation, pressure resistance, heat resistance, and corrosion resistance of the temperature sensing optical fiber. Install temperature sensing optical fibers on the static contacts of the high-voltage switchgear, and lead them out and merge them into the cable trench, so that the temperature sensing optical fibers can measure the temperature of other cables. During the maintenance process of the switchgear, there is no need to disassemble and assemble the temperature sensing fiber optic, and there is no problem of fiber optic winding. Isla markaana, it can ensure the cleanliness of the fiber optic transmission line.
2. Adding insulation devices
According to the test results of the National Wire and Cable Quality Inspection Center, hal daraf oo ka mid ah nidaamka cabbiraadda heerkulka fibre optic ayaa lagu xidhay qaybta sare ee tamarta, halka cirifka kalena lagu dejiyay meel u jirta 30cm. Ma jirin wax ifafaale ah oo kor u kacay markii danabka soo noqnoqda ee 95kV la adeegsaday. Waxaa taas laga arki karaa in ku rakibida nidaamka cabbiraadda heerkulka fiber optic-ga ee qalabka-korontada sare aysan saameyn doonin badbaadada dahaarka ee qalabka beddelka.. Haddii qalabka korontada-sare uu ku jiro deegaan leh qoyaan badan, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in la qaado tillaabooyin aan qoyaanka lahayn marka la rakibayo nidaamka cabbirka heerkulka fiber optic-ga. fuulayaasha dahaarka waa in lagu rakibaa fiber optic-ga la raray si looga hortago uumiga biyaha ee ku urura dusha sare ee fiber optic-ga, si loo yareeyo saameynta bay'ada adag ee saxnaanta cabbirka heerkulka nidaamka.
Marka la soo koobo, waxaa jira tunnelyo badan oo ku teedsan khadka tareenka, waxaana tunnel kasta la dhigay tiro badan oo xadhig ah. Haddii heerkulka xargaha uu aad u sarreeyo, waxay dardar galin doontaa heerka gabowga ee dahaarka, taas oo aan hoos u dhigin nolosha adeegga fiilooyinka, laakiin sidoo kale waxay kordhisaa suurtogalnimada khaladaadka, taas oo aad u dhibaysa habsami u socodka tareennada. Si loo hagaajiyo shaqada iyo dayactirka fiilooyinka ee tunnel-yada tareenada, Tignoolajiyada cabbiraadda heerkulka fiber optic ayaa si macquul ah loo isticmaali karaa. Habka codsiga gaarka ah, marka lagu daro hubinta isku xirka waxtarka leh ee nidaamka cabbiraadda heerkulka fiber optic, the installation quality of the system should also be ensured, only in this way can its function be fully realized.