ٺاهيندڙ فائبر آپٽڪ درجه حرارت سينسر, درجه حرارت جي نگراني جو نظام, پروفيشنل OEM / ODM ڪارخانو, هول سيلر, فراهم ڪندڙ. ڪسٽمائيز.

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How to measure temperature of inflatable power distribution switchgear

فائبر آپٽڪ گرمي پد سينسر, ذھني نگراني نظام, چين ۾ ورهايل فائبر آپٽڪ ٺاهيندڙ

فلورسنٽ فائبر آپٽڪ جي درجه حرارت جي ماپ فلورسنٽ فائبر آپٽڪ جي درجه حرارت جي ماپ جي ڊوائيس ورهايل فلورسنس فائبر آپٽڪ جي درجه حرارت جي ماپ جو نظام

في الحال, with the rapid development of subways and high-speed railways in China, the demand for high reliability, minimal maintenance, and miniaturization of power equipment in the power system continues to increase. The technology level of C-GIS switchgear in China has developed rapidly, and products have been widely used in various industries. C-GIS is the installation of high-voltage components such as busbars, circuit breakers, isolating switches, and transformers in sealed SF6 gas filled compartments, led out by plug-in, fully insulated cables. Busbars between cabinets can share compartments or use plug-in solid insulated busbars.

Due to the sealing of the primary wiring part of the inflatable cabinet in the inflatable compartment, compared to ordinary switchgear, the heat is too concentrated during operation and the heat dissipation environment is poor. A greenhouse that is too high will directly affect the safe and stable operation of the equipment. If not controlled, the degree of overheating will continue to accumulate, which will deteriorate the performance of the insulation components inside and even cause accidents due to breakdown. تنهن ڪري, temperature rise control should be an important part of structural design and production manufacturing.

When SF6 switchgear is working normally, the heating process takes a long time to reach a stable state, and the temperature reaches a stable temperature. At this point, all the heat generated by the heating element is transferred outward. When the heating and heat dissipation are balanced after a period of time, the difference between the absolute temperature of the conductor and the ambient temperature is the temperature rise value. In general, temperature rise (the difference between the allowable heating temperature and the ambient temperature) is an important indicator for the reliable operation of electrical equipment. If the temperature rise exceeds the standard, local areas will experience overheating. Overheating is a constantly developing process, and if not controlled, the degree of overheating will continue to worsen, greatly affecting the performance of insulation components and the lifespan of switchgear.

Inflatable switchgear fluorescent fiber optic temperature measurement system

The fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement system provided by FJINO monitors the operating temperature of the contacts inside the high-voltage switchgear in real time, and can determine the degree of overheating at the contact joints. When overheating occurs, the system will issue an alarm indication. The fluorescent fiber temperature sensor is installed on the live contacts inside the switchgear. The switchgear temperature transmitter is responsible for collecting temperature data from the fluorescent fiber temperature sensing probe installed inside the switchgear, and transmitting the collected data to the industrial computer through the 485 bus network. The received temperature data is analyzed by the software in the industrial computer, and an alarm is immediately triggered when it exceeds the alarm temperature. Adopting advanced transmission technology, it does not affect the insulation performance of the switchgear, making it convenient and economical to use. The fiber optic sensor undergoes special processing inside, and temperature parameter changes are transmitted to the switchgear temperature transmitter through advanced transmission methods. The received temperature signal is accurate and reliable. Whether it is installation, operation, or maintenance, it will be highly safe and reliable. It will not cause any interference or impact on a single device. Standardized design, easy to expand and interconnect with other systems, flexible installation. From temperature data collection to data processing, display, and communication, it forms a self-contained system that can be connected to the comprehensive automation system of the power system, as well as to the local area network and wide area network of the power system, and integrated into the comprehensive control system of power automation.

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