Il-manifattur ta' Senser tat-Temperatura Ottika tal-Fibra, Sistema ta 'Monitoraġġ tat-Temperatura, Professjonali OEM/ODM Fabbrika, Bejjiegħ bl-ingrossa, Fornitur.personalizzat.

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Kejl tat-temperatura fluworexxenti tal-fibra ottika tal-istralċ tat-transformer mgħaddsa biż-żejt

Senser tat-temperatura tal-fibra ottika, Sistema ta 'monitoraġġ intelliġenti, Manifattur tal-fibra ottika distribwita fiċ-Ċina

Kejl tat-temperatura fluworexxenti tal-fibra ottika Apparat fluworexxenti għall-kejl tat-temperatura tal-fibra ottika Sistema distribwita ta 'kejl tat-temperatura tal-fibra ottika fluworexxenti


Fiber optic temperature measurement for oil immersed transformers

The fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement system of Fuzhou INNO is applied to the operation status monitoring project of a Chongqing company’s oil immersed transformer, and the Datang Nan’ao Lemen offshore wind farm project. The fluorescence fiber optic sensing probe is embedded in the winding of the oil immersed transformer. Accurate and stable temperature measurement, with a long service life.



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