-ийн үйлдвэрлэгч Шилэн кабелийн температур мэдрэгч, Температурын хяналтын систем, Мэргэжлийн OEM/ODM Үйлдвэр, Бөөний худалдаачин, Нийлүүлэгч.захиалагдсан.

И-мэйл: fjinnonet@gmail.com |


Fiber Bragg Grating Temperature Measurement and Sensing Fire Alarm, System Characteristics and Parameters

Шилэн оптик температур мэдрэгч, Ухаалаг хяналтын систем, Хятад дахь шилэн кабелийн үйлдвэрлэгч

Флюресцент шилэн кабелийн температурын хэмжилт Флюресцент шилэн кабелийн температур хэмжих төхөөрөмж Түгээмэл флюресцент шилэн кабелийн температур хэмжих систем

The fiber optic grating temperature sensing fire detection system has been widely used in automatic fire detection systems, especially for narrow spaces such as tunnels and comprehensive pipe galleries. Гэсэн хэдий ч, due to the continuous improvement of traditional inspection methods that only focus on the characteristics of easy construction and laying in space, the importance of temperature detection systems in monitoring has been ignored, resulting in inconvenient monitoring, high maintenance costs, and even system paralysis due to long-term disrepair, posing a fire hazard to people’s lives. To address the multiple defects caused by existing technologies, our product has made significant breakthroughs in system architecture, effectively solving the problems raised above. Одоогоор, China’s nuclear power plants are in a period of rapid development and construction, and the protection system of nuclear power plants using nuclear fuel reactors as energy is particularly important, among which the fire detection, alarm and linkage system is also a very important system.

Fiber Bragg Grating Temperature Measurement and Sensing Fire Alarm System

1. Being able to accurately locate the exact location of temperature changes, reflecting small temporal and spatial differences in frequency to achieve precise positioning, thus forming a precise fiber optic linear temperature detection system. It integrates computer, fiber optic communication, fiber optic sensing, fiber optic transmission, photoelectric control and other technologies. Based on the temperature measurement principle of fiber optic backscattering with temperature changes, advanced OFDR technology is adopted to monitor the feedback information on the fiber optic cable in real time, measure the temperature changes at various points on the fiber optic cable, and monitor the temperature condition of the detected area in real time;
2. Suitable for long-distance monitoring, the system is very simple and reliable, maintenance free, and easy to install. It can be suspended and laid in a straight line without affecting the installation and expansion of new equipment;
3. Long service life, inherently safe optical fiber, цахилгаан соронзон хөндлөнгийн нөлөөнд автдаггүй, comprehensive intelligent judgment without false alarms, and it is not electrified, suitable for special hazardous situations.

Fiber Bragg Grating Linear Temperature Fire Detector is a fire alarm device based on the Bragg Grating temperature sensing principle, which can detect the temperature changes along the fiber Bragg Grating sensing points in real time and achieve multi-level alarm functions; This instrument comes with a LCD screen and touch buttons, making it convenient for on-site reset and self checking operations.

The fiber optic grating linear temperature sensing fire detector processor has passed various tests and inspections in GB16280-2014Linear Temperature Sensing Fire Detectorand obtained the corresponding 3C certificate. The temperature sensor connected has been tested by relevant national departments and obtained a high-level explosion-proof certificate.

Characteristics of Fiber Bragg Grating Linear Thermal Fire Detector

High temperature accuracy

Synchronous scanning technology (without the need for optical switches)

Fast response speed

Wavelength division multiplexing technology can read the temperature of each monitoring point in real time

Accurate alarm positioning

Contactable linkage alarm device

Can achieve networking function

Small size, rack installation

Can be used independently as an alarm device

High reliability and stability

Number of measurable channels 8
Maximum number of sensors per channel 18
temperature resolution 0.1℃
Temperature Accuracy ±0.5℃
Sample Rate 1HZ
optical interface FC/APC
Interface RS232/RS485/RJ45
Linkage interface 32 passive contacts
VGA output have
operation temperature -10℃ ~50℃

Application of Fiber Bragg Grating Linear Thermal Fire Detector Products

Fiber Bragg Grating Linear Thermal Fire Detector is suitable for use in transportation tunnels, oil and gas pipelines, chemical, metallurgical, хүч, fire protection, эрчим хүч, warehousing, military, nuclear industries and other places. It is mainly used for oil tank fire alarm.



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