өндүрүүчүсү Була-оптикалык температура сенсору, Температураны көзөмөлдөө системасы, Кесипкөй OEM/ODM Фабрика, Дүң сатуучу, Supplier.customized.

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Медициналык гипертермияда адамдын денесинин температурасын көзөмөлдөө үчүн флуоресценттик булалардын кайсы түрү колдонулат

Була-оптикалык температура сенсору, Интеллектуалдык мониторинг системасы, Кытайда бөлүштүрүлгөн була-оптикалык өндүрүүчүсү

Флуоресценттик була-оптикалык температураны өлчөө Флуоресценттик була-оптикалык температураны өлчөөчү аппарат Бөлүштүрүлгөн флуоресценттик була-оптикалык температураны өлчөө системасы

FJINO provides fiber optic temperature measurement for thermal therapy

Thermotherapy is a novel method, with the key being the measurement of tissue temperature. A new fluorescence fiber medical multi-point temperature monitoring system has been developed using advanced fiber optic sensing technology to meet the needs of the medical industry and the characteristics of thermal therapy. The sensing system includes a fluorescence fiber medical temperature sensor and a fluorescence multi-point temperature monitor, which can monitor the temperature of human tissue in real time during thermal therapy. The test results show that the system has the advantages of high accuracy, high resolution, жогорку ишенимдүүлүк, каршы электромагниттик кийлигишүү, and small sensor size. How to maintain the temperature of the cancer site that can kill cancer cells without damaging normal tissues requires high precision in temperature measurement and control during hyperthermia. Ошондуктан, accurate measurement of the temperature at the tumor site is a key technology in hyperthermia and a research hotspot in recent years.
The sensors used for thermal therapy in medicine are mostly traditional electronic sensors, such as thermistors, thermocouples, жана башкалар. Бирок, high-frequency radiation or ultrasonic fields are often present during the thermal therapy process, and electronic sensors are susceptible to electromagnetic interference, which affects the effectiveness and accuracy of temperature measurement. Мындан тышкары, traditional sensors have relatively large sizes, which can cause significant damage to human tissues.

Advantages of Medical Fluorescence Fiber Optic Temperature Sensing Technology

Compared with conventional electronic sensors, fluorescent fiber optic temperature sensors have some unparalleled advantages, such as high sensitivity, fast response speed, no charge, intrinsic safety, кичинекей өлчөмү, жеңил салмак, simple structure, no interference from electromagnetic fields, good stability, and easy implementation of multi-point real-time detection. They are an advanced sensing technology very suitable for human tissue temperature measurement.

Based on the application characteristics of fluorescence fiber temperature sensing technology and thermal therapy clinical practice, a fluorescence fiber medical multi-point temperature monitoring system has been developed. The system successfully applies fiber sensing technology to clinical medicine, providing reliable technical support for thermal therapy.
The fluorescence fiber optic temperature monitor is used for demodulation of fiber optic temperature sensors. The temperature monitor can be connected to multiple medical fiber optic sensors to monitor temperature in real time. Temperature data can be directly observed on the instrument’s LCD screen or uploaded to the upper computer through a serial port for monitoring, storage, and processing of temperature data.

In response to the requirements of the medical industry and the characteristics of thermal therapy, we have applied advanced fluorescence fiber optic temperature measurement technology to human tissue temperature measurement. We have developed a fluorescence fiber optic medical multi-point temperature monitoring system, which can monitor the temperature of human tissue in real time during thermal therapy. After long-term testing, the fiber optic temperature sensor has high sensitivity, fast response speed, кичинекей өлчөмү, simple structure, no interference from electromagnetic fields, and good stability. The results indicate that the findings of this study provide new technical support for the temperature measurement of high magnetic field human tissue in hyperthermia.




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