өндірушісі Талшықты-оптикалық температура сенсоры, Температураны бақылау жүйесі, Кәсіби OEM/ODM Зауыт, Көтерме сатушы, Жабдықтаушы.бағдарланған.

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A Complete Guide to Distributed fiber optic monitoring scheme for bus duct temperature

Талшықты-оптикалық температура сенсоры, Интеллектуалды бақылау жүйесі, Қытайда таралған талшықты-оптикалық өндіруші

Флуоресцентті талшықты-оптикалық температураны өлшеу Флуоресцентті талшықты-оптикалық температураны өлшейтін құрылғы Бөлінген флуоресцентті талшықты-оптикалық температураны өлшеу жүйесі

Distributed fiber optic monitoring scheme for bus duct temperature

Solution for fiber optic temperature measurement system in bus duct
1. Overall plan
Overall scheme design: Based on the actual situation of the busbar, FJINNO will construct a complete fiber optic temperature monitoring system for monitoring the busbar, realizing real-time monitoring of the temperature at various locations of the busbar, over limit alarm, and output alarm signals.
It is reported that there are a total of 5 bus ducts, so this plan uses 5 IFTS-MK distributed fiber optic temperature sensing systems to achieve online monitoring of the entire bus.
(1) General control room:
The data from 5 sets of distributed fiber optic temperature measurement systems should be aggregated onto the server within the main control, and the obtained temperature data, curve graphs, and bus duct alarm status should be displayed on the screen.
(2) Distributed fiber optic temperature measurement network system:
The function of this system is to directly demodulate the optical signals transmitted remotely from the distributed temperature sensing fiber optic cable through a distributed fiber optic temperature sensing demodulation system placed in the monitoring room, and transmit the demodulated data to the computer for processing to achieve terminal display and recording. It can also transmit alarm signals to external devices or systems such as alarm controllers. Each sub control room is equipped with a distributed fiber optic temperature measurement system.
(3) Fiber optic communication transmission network:
The sub control rooms at different locations can be connected to optical fibers through Ethernet ports, and the transmission signals can be directly introduced into the information processing and analysis system of the main monitoring room.
(4) Information processing and analysis system:
The system consists of a recoverable distributed fiber optic temperature sensing system and system software. The recoverable distributed fiber optic temperature sensing system includes a demodulator, an industrial computer, and wiring terminals. The system functions include information collection, processing, and transmission, while the computer software system includes information processing, analysis, transmission, storage management, warning, and alarm functions.
2. Design Scheme of Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement System
The busbar temperature monitoring system adopts distributed optical fiber monitoring. Temperature sensing optical fibers are laid on the busbar, and distributed hosts are installed in the control room, which lead temperature sensing optical fibers to the busbar. By utilizing a small portion of the diffuse scattered light reflected back along the fiber optic when the temperature changes, the signal of this backscattered light is collected and analyzed in the optoelectronic device, providing information about the temperature and determining the location of the sudden temperature change, thus determining the point of fire occurrence. When the distributed fiber optic temperature sensing host detects an abnormality, it immediately displays an alarm.

3. Technical features
(1) Using distributed fiber optic temperature sensing equipment to sense the temperature and position information of the busbar for signal detection and transmission, achieving no electricity detection and intrinsic safety and explosion prevention;
(2) Өлшем бірлігі ретінде кеңейтілген таралған талшықты-оптикалық температураны анықтауды пайдалану, озық технологиямен және жоғары өлшеу дәлдігімен;
(4) Бөлінген температураны сезгіш оптикалық кабельдер ұзақ мерзімді жұмыс температурасы диапазонына ие -40 ℃ дейін 150 ℃, максимуммен 200 ℃, and have a wide range of applications;
(5) Детектордың бір циклді өлшеу әдісін қабылдау, the installation is simple and the cost is low; Can retain redundant spare cores;
(6) Real time display of temperature in each partition, және тарихи деректерді көрсету және қисықтарды өзгерту мүмкіндігі, сондай-ақ орташа температураның өзгеруі;
(7) Compact system structure, easy installation, және ыңғайлы техникалық қызмет көрсету;
(8) Бағдарламалық құрал арқылы, different warning values and alarm values can be set according to the actual situation; The alarm methods are diversified, оның ішінде тұрақты температура дабылы, температураның көтерілу жылдамдығы дабылы, және температура айырмашылығы дабылы.
(9) Бағдарламалық құрал арқылы, data queries can be performed: point by point queries, alarm record queries, interval queries, historical data queries, және есепті басып шығару.




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