Pabrikan Sensor Suhu Serat Optik, Sistem Pemantauan Suhu, Profesional OEM / ODM Pabrik, Grosir, Pemasok.disesuaikan.

Surel:: |

Pengontrol Suhu Trafo Tipe Kering/Pengontrol Suhu/

Perangkat pemantauan keadaan transformator tipe kering

Kisaran suhu:-40.0℃~200.0℃

Suhu sekitar:-28ºC~+80ºC

Kelembaban sekitar:<95% (25ºC)
Tegangan kerja:AC220V/DC220V;(-15%~+10%)

Tingkat frekuensi kerja :50Hz ATAU 60Hz(±2Hz)

Akurasi pengukuran :±1%FS(Tingkat termostat 0.5, Kelas sensor B)

Rasio resolusi :0.1ºC

Mengontrol kapasitas kontak :5A / AC250V

Kapasitas kontak kipas :6A / AC250V(COSφ=0.4);

Metode instalasi:Embedded system;

Standar produksi:JB / T7631-2005 Pengontrol suhu elektronik untuk Transformator "Standar industri

Adopsi standar akreditasi:ISO9001:2008 Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu Internasional

Lulus standar tes:IEC61000-4:1995 Standar internasional
GB / T17626-2008 Standar "teknik pengujian dan pengukuran kompatibilitas elektromagnetik

  • Detail Produk
Fungsi dasar Provide temperature measurement for three windings; Fungsi kipas pendingin start stop otomatis/manual; Fungsi kompensasi digital untuk nilai tampilan setiap saluran; OLED liquid crystal display; Lampu tampilan LED; Operating keyboard; Clock function;
Provide black box function, capable of recording temperature data, historical highest temperature, time, and status during 10 power outages;
Provide transformer cabinet door opening alarm function;
Memberikan 1 sepasang kontak alarm suhu berlebih (Biasanya terbuka);
Memberikan 1 pair of over temperature trip contacts (Biasanya terbuka);
Memberikan 1 sepasang kontak alarm kesalahan pengontrol suhu (Biasanya terbuka);
Provide Ethernet communication function (MODBUS-TCP protocol), communication with time stamps, and can receive time synchronization;
additional function F: Menyediakan fungsi komunikasi RS485 (MODBUS-RTU protocol), communication with time stamps, Mampu menerima sinkronisasi waktu;
Saya: Core temperature measurement function, providing 1 pair of core temperature measurement alarm contacts (Biasanya terbuka);
E: Provide 4-channel 4-20mA analog current output function;
L: Fan fault diagnosis function, providing 1 pair of fan fault alarm contacts (Biasanya terbuka);

Characteristics of dry-type transformer state monitoring device

The protection level is IP65.
Suhu lingkungan kerja: -25 to+80 ℃
Kapasitas output kontak besar.
The thermostat uses an ARM architecture CPU, which has strong data processing capabilities and system stability.
OLED LCD screen, tampilan digital dan Cina, operasi tombol, Tampilan indikasi sinyal LED.
The circuit board design concept of the thermostat is modular design, with strong and weak electricity separated to avoid spatial crosstalk.
The thermostat contains a clock chip and historical data storage with time stamps.
RS485 communication function, the communication protocol is the internationally open standard protocol Modbus RTU.
Ethernet communication function, communication protocol is the internationally open standard protocol Modbus TCP.




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