Tootja Kiudoptiline temperatuuriandur, Temperatuuri jälgimise süsteem, Professionaalne OEM/ODM Tehas, Hulgimüüja, Tarnija.kohandatud.

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Fluorestseeruv kiudoptiline temperatuurimõõteseade elektriseadmetele

Kiudoptiline temperatuuriandur, Intelligentne seiresüsteem, Jaotatud kiudoptiline tootja Hiinas

Fluorestseeruva kiudoptilise temperatuuri mõõtmine Fluorestseeruv kiudoptiline temperatuuri mõõteseade Jaotatud fluorestsentskiudoptiline temperatuuri mõõtesüsteem

Elektrivõrgu renoveerimise rakendamisega, eelkõige linnavõrgu renoveerimise ja ehitamise pidev süvendamine, the usage of cables and electrical equipment has significantly increased, mis on teinud operatsiooni juhtimise, Kaablite ja elektriseadmete jälgimine ja hooldus on väga oluline. Praktilises töös, et vältida kaablite ja elektriseadmete ülekuumenemist kõrgel temperatuuril, Tavaliselt on vaja valida meetod, mis säilitab asjakohaselt nende kandevõime. Kuid, see muudab nende kaablite ja elektriseadmete kasutamise ebaökonoomseks, and manual inspections can only detect the surface temperature of the test point. Kinnised elektriseadmed, nagu kaablid ja jaotusseadmed, Tegelikku temperatuuri jälgimist ei ole võimalik saavutada. Whether from the perspective of the safe operation of electrical equipment such as cables and ring main cabinets or from the perspective of power system scheduling needs, Vajalik on kaablite ja elektriseadmete kandevõime reaalajas jälgimine, which can be achieved through online real-time monitoring of the temperature of the test points.

The reliability of high-voltage switchgear under high voltage and high current conditions is closely related to the temperature rise of the isolation switch contacts. During the operation of the power grid, mechanical vibration, contact erosion, and other reasons can worsen contact conditions, increase contact resistance, cause an increase in contact point temperature, exacerbate contact surface oxidation, and lead to local welding or arc discharge at loose contact points, ultimately causing damage to electrical equipment, power outages, or major accidents such as fires. This type of contact overheating fault accident is not only due to the quality problem of the high-voltage cabinet switch itself, but more importantly, due to the lack of effective monitoring methods for the temperature rise of the isolation switch contacts at present.

Regarding the operation of contact temperature in high-voltage switchgear and cable branch boxes, by measuring, monitoring, and statistically analyzing the temperature of branch boxes, switchgear or high-voltage contacts using fluorescent fiber optic contact, operators can comprehensively grasp the working conditions of branch boxes, switchgear or high-voltage contacts, and avoid or reduce the occurrence of faults; The high-voltage power temperature measurement system has good reliability and complete functions.




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