አምራቹ የ የፋይበር ኦፕቲክ ሙቀት ዳሳሽ, የሙቀት መቆጣጠሪያ ስርዓት, ፕሮፌሽናል OEM/ODM ፋብሪካ, ጅምላ ሻጭ, አቅራቢ.የተበጀ.

ኢ-ሜይል: fjinnonet@gmail.com |

ደረቅ ዓይነት ትራንስፎርመር የሙቀት መቆጣጠሪያ/

ደረቅ አይነት ትራንስፎርመር የሙቀት መቆጣጠሪያ ሳጥን BWD-3KR

የሙቀት ክልል:-30.0℃~240.0℃

የአካባቢ ሙቀት:-20ºC~+55º ሴ

የአካባቢ እርጥበት:<95% (25ºሲ)
የሚሰራ ቮልቴጅ:AC 220V (+10%,-15%)

የስራ ድግግሞሽ መጠን :50Hz ወይም 60Hz(± 2Hz)

የመለኪያ ትክክለኛነት :± 1% FS(ቴርሞስታት ደረጃ 0.5፣ ዳሳሽ ክፍል B)

የመፍትሄው ጥምርታ :0.1ºሲ

የደጋፊ ውፅዓት አጠቃላይ አቅም :5አ/250VAC

የውጤት አቅምን ይቆጣጠሩ :5አ/250VAC;5አ/30VDC(የመቋቋም ችሎታ)

የኃይል ብክነት:≤8 ዋ

የምርት ደረጃዎች:JB/T7631-2005 የኤሌክትሮኒክስ የሙቀት መቆጣጠሪያ ለትራንስፎርመሮች የኢንዱስትሪ ደረጃዎች

የእውቅና ደረጃዎችን መቀበል:ISO9001:2008 የአለም አቀፍ የጥራት አስተዳደር ስርዓት ማረጋገጫ

የሙከራ ደረጃውን ማለፍ:IEC61000-4:1995 ዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ
GB/T17626-2008 የኤሌክትሮማግኔቲክ ተኳሃኝነት ሙከራ እና የመለኪያ ቴክኒኮች” መደበኛ

  • የምርት ዝርዝሮች

The temperature controller for dry-type transformers is an intelligent controller designed specifically for the safe operation of dry-type transformers. The temperature controller adopts microcontroller technology and uses the platinum thermistor embedded in the dry-type transformer winding to detect and display the temperature rise of the transformer winding. የአየር ማቀዝቀዣውን የአየር ማቀዝቀዣ ለማስገደድ የማቀዝቀዣውን ማራገቢያ በራስ-ሰር መጀመር እና ማቆም ይችላል, avoiding or reducing faults caused by high temperature in the transformer. ትራንስፎርመሩ ደህንነቱ በተጠበቀ ሁኔታ ውስጥ መስራቱን ለማረጋገጥ ከሙቀት ማንቂያ እና ከሙቀት ጉዞ በላይ ያለውን ውጤት መቆጣጠር ይችላል።, thereby extending the working life of the transformer.

Three phase circuit display/maximum value display; Fan automatic/manual start stop; Over temperature alarm; Overtemperature trip; Fault alarm; Black box function;
Fan timing excitation function; Simulation testing function; Digital compensation function; Cabinet door opening alarm function.

main features
Using LED displays makes the display of the working status and measured values of the temperature controller more intuitive.
I2C adjustment and storage technology is adopted to achieve power-off data protection storage.
The fan can be manually/automatically controlled to start and stop.
Equipped with over temperature alarm, over temperature trip, and fan start stop functions.
Equipped with 4-20mA analog current output and RS-485 communication function.

Applicable occasions

Suitable for various small and medium-sized dry-type transformers and European box transformers
Optional installation on transformer body clamp or shell

Appearance of BWD-3KR small wall mounted temperature control box product
External dimensions: 320mm x 260mm x 90mm

IB-L installation method: wall mounted
Installation size: 280mm x 160mm

Dimensional diagram of temperature controller for BWD-3KR dry-type transformer

Dimensional diagram of temperature controller for IB-L201 dry-type transformer




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